Feb. 5, 2024

Spellcasting, Swordplay, and the Birth of a B&B Empire

Spellcasting, Swordplay, and the Birth of a B&B Empire

Embark on an epic quest with our valiant crew of adventurers and their unlikely goblin ally, Vincent, as they traverse perilous terrains and unravel the mysteries of the Goblin Cave. Our latest episode is a whirlwind of strategy, suspense, and sidesplitting humor, where the stakes are as high as the laughs. Join Dal Solace, Zanros Bemblebomble, Iquium Arravius, and Callie the direwolf, as they finesse their way through traps, negotiate with goblin leaders, and foster unexpected alliances all in the name of reaching Phandalin with their cargo intact.

Throughout this heart-pounding journey, we encountered everything from cheeky moose statues to intense confrontations with the Cragmaw Goblins. Discover how we navigated the cave's mazes and traps, faced off against Klarg the goblin leader, and turned a potential bloodbath into a business opportunity for our B&B venture. With every spell cast and sword drawn, our party grows stronger, wiser, and more connected, proving that the real magic lies in teamwork and a bit of creative thinking.

As we wrap up the session, our hearty adventurers reflect on their growth, eagerly anticipating their next excursion into the town of Phandalin. Whether they're negotiating with wolves or divvying up loot, our heroes always keep one eye on the prize and another on the horizon. So, grab your gear and prepare for a tale of valor, wit, and the kind of camaraderie that can only be forged in the fires of a shared adventure.

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Music by June Westfield
Apple Music

Logo design by Ryan Denora


01:13 - Journey to the Goblin Cave

21:04 - Accidental Pitfall and Rescue

32:42 - Cragmaw Hideout and Job Offer

50:14 - Cave Exploration and Wolf Encounters

01:10:03 - Water and Enemies in Cave Encounter

01:26:02 - B&B Job Offer and Wolf Taming

01:34:36 - Battle at Bumble B&B With Clark

01:59:28 - Goblin Den and Rescuing Sildar

02:16:44 - Plan and Rest for Next Adventure

Speaker 1:

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another fantastic episode of Legends, Loot and Lore. This is going to be session two of our actual play and this is episode six of the podcast. So, to recap, we have our three people in the party. We have Dow Solace, the tiefling cleric. Say hi Dow, Hi we have Zanrose Bumblebumble soon to be the proprietor of the Bumblebumble B&B. Hello, thank you. And we also have Iquium. And how are you? How is the last name pronounced, iquium?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yes, our human warlock Very exciting.

Speaker 4:

Don't forget, callie.

Speaker 1:

We won't forget. I was not going to forget Callie the direwolf, the goblin eating direwolf.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes you got to have snacks. That's right. With every D&D party you have to.

Speaker 1:

Snacks are a key part of it. So Callie is definitely getting her snacks in.

Speaker 5:

And I have to talk to her about not eating my B&B employees, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, definitely not. So last we met we were the three of you met in the tavern you got the letter from Gundren Rockseeker asking you to transport the mining supplies and food et cetera to Fandalen to, I think. What was the specific place in Fandalen that you were supposed to take it?

Speaker 3:

It was the Provisionary, the Barthons provisions.

Speaker 1:

Barthons provisions.

Speaker 3:

To Elmina, who's supposed to?

Speaker 1:

Elmina Barthon. Pay of money? Yes, 10 gold pieces each. So you made your way down the high road, headed east on the tri-bore trail and you found some horses in an area that had been in attack and in your investigation, the goblins jumped out and attacked you and Callie grabbed the. After you killed three of them, callie grabbed the one that was trying to run away and you questioned who he now known and it wishes to be called as Vincent the goblin.

Speaker 3:

He's always going to be a Chad or Kyle.

Speaker 1:

Either either one Such a Chad. So he sang like a bird, gave up the goods, told you about where Gundren and Sildar, I think it is, were taken to the caves, and you were able to persuade Vincent Chad Kyle whatever his name is to Just chuckle in the way over there. So you convinced him to not only help persuade the other goblins to join your cause, but also become employees of the soon to be established BumblebumbleBNB.

Speaker 3:

The state choice of BBEGs everywhere.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

And BBGs.

Speaker 1:

And BBGs. Yes, thank you, fable. Anyway, so we are. Now you're all going to head up to the cave with is Vincent in the lead. What's the order of the party here?

Speaker 3:

I kind of wish we had a goblin beorn. Yes, so to have Callie just carry him in a little goblin beorn in his inner mouth.

Speaker 1:

I was almost imagining the Saint Bernard's with the little cask of.

Speaker 7:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, that's a good idea.

Speaker 1:

A Saint Bernard's keg. You could tie a rope around Callie's neck and just attach the goblin to it and you could do that.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay with that, we can. Here we go, I think, our cover story for Vincent. I will use his proper name, vincent, thank you. I think that the story for Vincent will be that, hey, you can tell your goblin friends that you successfully negotiated your way out of a dire wolf's mouth and we're here to help you all lead a better life.

Speaker 1:

That's right. Okay, that's the plan going forward.

Speaker 5:

Yes, Out of the mouths of dire wolves and into gainful employment.

Speaker 1:

That's right.

Speaker 7:

Nice so.

Speaker 5:

It's doing better than I am.

Speaker 1:

So I would like the three of you, I'd like to the three of you, make a Please give me a survival check.

Speaker 3:

Survival. Oh yeah, Bring it on 11, 14, 23.

Speaker 6:

Oh, ho, ho, ho, howlser, I rolled in that 20. Nice.

Speaker 1:

So, as you start to walk up this little trail that was on the map, you're looking at the ground and you notice it's probably about you get the feeling it's probably about a dozen goblins or so that have been traveling up and down this path. So it's about a dozen goblins. And you also notice that you see footprints from two human-sized sets of footprints that have made their way heading up this trail. So that's so. They are human-sized footprints. There's two sets of human-sized footprints, or two sets of human-sized footprints, Two sets of human-sized footprints, as well as what appears to be you can make out to be about a dozen or so goblin sets of footprints. This trail goes on for about five miles or so. What do you want to do with the wagon? Because you've got this wagon full of supplies and the two oxen that are not going to make it up this little pass.

Speaker 3:

That was my next question. They will not.

Speaker 1:

They can't haul it up, the there's nowhere near room for a wagon width pathway. It's just not possible to get that up there.

Speaker 5:

Can we hide it somewhere? Yeah? That's what I was thinking.

Speaker 1:

You can hide it. I'm just trying to think of what kind of ability. Let's just go with stealth.

Speaker 3:

So you've got a curiosity how far away, can we estimate how far away we are from Fandelen, where we were on the road?

Speaker 1:

It's probably, you've probably got at least another 20 miles or so to get to Fandelen.

Speaker 3:

Wagon can go, like what? 20 miles in a day, though, right.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Something like that. So I just the reason I asked that was I wanted to know it's far easier for us to try and hide the wagon in the oxen and go up this path, then go to Fandelen, drop off the wagon and then come back.

Speaker 1:

You could do that as well, if you. Vincent will tell you that because. So the whole thing was that you were Xiao Tiao. Clark is the bugbear who is in charge of these goblins. So Clark is running this operation out of the cave. So that's what Vincent has told you. So it is King Groll that wants Gunder and Rockseeker. So you can safely assume give me an insight check. So you can safely assume that it's been at least a day or so since Gunderin has been taken and it is probably pretty urgent because he's gonna be taken from the cave to wherever King Groll is. So the time is of the essence in rescuing him and his companion. But you certainly could. It is probably about a day, day and a half journey to Vandelen to if you want to drop off the supplies and then try to head back to the cave and then want to rescue operation.

Speaker 3:

I think we're gonna take the cart, the oxen and the other two horses and is that woods nearby yes. Is that true. So is there enough brush and everything that we could conceal something that large?

Speaker 1:

I do. Sir, who wants you on? Do a survival check. Sure, yeah, do a survival check, seven, seven. So you find that's with my plus four. Oh, so you find some ground cover. Okay, does anyone else wanna try to find help? Yeah, anyone wanna help? Yes, help Iquian, find some ground cover.

Speaker 5:

Two what are we rolling for?

Speaker 1:

This is gonna be a survival check.

Speaker 3:

If you roll, if you roll oh 23. 23. Woo, this was almost an episode of city slickers instead.

Speaker 1:

So, zanrose, you are able to successfully go out and find enough brush and things like that to sufficiently cover the wagon as well as hide kind of camouflage the two oxen and horses. So it's sufficiently camouflage so that no one will find it. Excellent, awesome, cool, all right. So in what order are you gonna head up this trail? Who wants to go first?

Speaker 5:

Are we sending Vincent up first? Yeah, I think that's the smartest.

Speaker 6:

Do you wanna go in front of Vincent to make sure there's no funny business?

Speaker 5:

Maybe I wanna go right behind Vincent because I want the other goblins to see him first. They see me. They get ideas about my smallness and not realize my acrobatic ability. But he's got skin in the game as far as keeping me safe because I'm his ticket out of his very unhappy, depressing life.

Speaker 6:

This is true.

Speaker 5:

So I'll follow Vincent up.

Speaker 6:

Should I go last because I'm extremely tall?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'll go next, and then Callie behind me.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Okay. So what's the order again?

Speaker 5:

So it's Vincent Vincent Zanrose.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

Callie, callie.

Speaker 1:

Endow. Okay, so you're heading up the path. I guess it's, you'll figure out. It ends up being about a five mile path that you're going up the way. Hang on one second, let's see what is. Is there anything? Oh, okay, so Vincent leading the way, you're about 10 minutes into it. He stops you and stops the party. He says hang on, there's a snare here, you know. And he guides you to walk around the trap. So just make sure you stay to the kind of to the side of the snare in the middle of the road so you don't get caught up in it. So to make sure that you avoid it, give me a dexterity saving throw. Dexterity saving throw.

Speaker 5:

Oh shit Seven 12.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Suddenly you hear something trip and suddenly Zanrose has flipped upside down and is now suspended 10 feet above the ground.

Speaker 4:

You gotta be kidding me, I kid you not.

Speaker 1:

Did you say that no?

Speaker 6:

Did you say seven feet up?

Speaker 1:

10 feet above the ground.

Speaker 5:

I'm looking to see what I have on my inventory.

Speaker 6:

Do you think I'd be able to reach that at six foot five?

Speaker 1:

No, you would not be able to reach that.

Speaker 6:

I could get up on my shoulders. I can't come down, yeah, I could get on top of Gally. Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because she's what seven foot of the solar.

Speaker 1:

You could.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna roll. Well, we can both try, because if I fall off, Could somebody give? Me time from here.

Speaker 4:

The blood's rushing to my head.

Speaker 3:

That's a 17 plus 18.

Speaker 6:

Is that to stand on Cali?

Speaker 3:

Acrobatics to jump up.

Speaker 1:

All right, so you're on Cali's back. Now what are you gonna do to get Zan Rose down?

Speaker 6:

You have like a dagger on you. Yeah, I think I have a dagger.

Speaker 3:

Yep, I have a dagger, I can cut her down.

Speaker 1:

So just describe how you.

Speaker 3:

I follow the snare. What is it?

Speaker 1:

She's hanging 10 feet in the air Right there's a rope, and so you're gonna try to cut the rope.

Speaker 3:

I guess I would attempt to cut the rope closest to Zan Rose, but I wanna know, like, where does it go? Like, can I see where the rope? Can I follow the rope and see what it's attached to?

Speaker 1:

It goes over a branch and it's tied to a big rock on the other side. That pulled Zan Rose up. It's up over a higher branch and goes down and she's in this snare.

Speaker 3:

So, instead of the rock that it's tied on, why don't you cut the rope that's on the rock, and then we can lower her down Instead of dropping her 10 feet? Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Probably a good idea.

Speaker 6:

I mean, I have something to cut, it, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

What do you got? I have the javelin and Well, you've got someone's got a knife, right.

Speaker 3:

I have a dagger, so I can give you the dagger today. Yeah, or the dagger.

Speaker 1:

All right, so Give me a performance check. No. No, give me a survival check. Yes.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 1:

Well, you are successful in cutting the rope, but you are not successful in slowly lowering Zan Rose from the tree. So that would be problematic if I were trying to catch you.

Speaker 3:

Zan Rose, because I just don't have the strength. No, you don't.

Speaker 5:

So Zan Rose is gonna try to do like a flip midair to. Well, you're in a snare, so you're not, you don't have to.

Speaker 1:

I thought like my hand was going to be like.

Speaker 5:

I thought, like my ankles were.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, you're like really in snare, you're just strapping me like a bag of potatoes. Yeah. So, zan Rose, you hit the ground pretty hard and roll, roll. Well, you're gonna take. No, no, you don't need to roll for this one, I need to roll for this one. You're gonna take five points of bludgeoning damage.

Speaker 5:

Cool, that's only half my points.

Speaker 1:

Hit in the ground.

Speaker 5:

How much do you have left Five?

Speaker 1:

It was one d6 damage and I rolled a five. I'm sorry.

Speaker 5:

I know where you sleep. Yes, you do.

Speaker 1:

Are you sleeping with one eye open tonight.

Speaker 3:

Just remember, kevin, that you shot my dog too.

Speaker 5:

Seriously, you shot the dog.

Speaker 6:

Oh God what the hell Should I? Do you want me to heal you?

Speaker 5:

Let's wait and see what happens in the cave first. Okay, thank you.

Speaker 1:

All right. So let's see, it's another. Ooh. So you're still traveling on the On the road, and You're getting a little further up there and Vincent is not one of the brightest Doblins in the group, unfortunately and he forgets that there's also another trap, which is a pit, and he misses this, and so All of you fall into this pit.

Speaker 5:

How stupid are we? We just, all, like one after the other, walk into the pit.

Speaker 1:

That's fine, if you so. So, Vincent, who's right behind? Oh, you're right behind, I'm right behind it. Yeah, so the two of you, I think, will Well give me a. Give me a perception check 16. Ooh, you are paying attention and you see Vincent fall in the pit and you stop short. What the hell Think of him? You're right behind. You're right behind Zanros. Give me an insight. No, give me a perception. Check Nat one. So, while Nat one, while Zanros notices that Vincent has fallen into the pit and you were able to stop short, equium, however, is not paying attention and bumps right into you and knocks you into the pit.

Speaker 4:

What the hell man. Could you all pay attention? Who's getting me out of this freaking pit?

Speaker 3:

Do we have the rope from the snare?

Speaker 6:

I think I have a rope. Your double check, Rob.

Speaker 1:

Well, two things. One you take another point of bludgeoning damage, that's right. One, you got it, just the one. Fortunately, the walls, you notice the walls are not that steep, so you're able to, without having to pull them out, you're able to scramble out of the pit safely, and this is oh, oh shit. So you're gonna have a little bit of a problem. Vincent, sadly, has also taken bludgeoning damage Did he die, is he dead oh? my god. Vincent has two broken legs and a dislocated shoulder, oh my god. And there were wooden spikes in the bottom and he's impaled himself on one of them. He's not dead yet.

Speaker 3:

He's just mostly dead, mostly dead, he's not all dead.

Speaker 6:

Would I be able to use spare the dying, or is that like?

Speaker 1:

You can. I would probably. I mean you can do it. Remember, he's currently impaled on a wooden spike. So Pull him up off it. That's probably a good first step. Okay, so you pull him off of it. What do you Tell me?

Speaker 6:

what you do. I'm not gonna write that one yet. Well, I mean.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna sit here on the side of this pit and wonder how Iquium didn't freaking notice it I think he said your dog is dumb, but seriously, buddy. Ouch.

Speaker 1:

I mean, iquium didn't even apologize, that was.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna call him Dickwium from now on.

Speaker 3:

My sincerest apologies. I seem to have bumbled into a bumble Gotta be bumbled thank you. I said what I said.

Speaker 1:

So Dal what do we got?

Speaker 6:

Alright, so I pull him up off the spike.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

And I try to drag him out of the pit.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

Put him on the ground.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

And then you have to touch a living creature, so I guess I'll put my hand. Where was he impaled?

Speaker 1:

It kind of Kind of like in his lower back. I almost like threw a kidney.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so.

Speaker 6:

So I guess, put a hand on the torso.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

And like a cool light goes through my hands.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so he starts. Vincent starts glowing a little bit, the energy starts pulsing through him. So how much healing do you do? What is that? Is that cure wounds?

Speaker 6:

That was spare the dying. Or should I do cure wounds?

Speaker 1:

You can do spare the dying.

Speaker 6:

What is Spare? The dying makes them stable.

Speaker 1:

Well, that was for. So spare the dying. Is you touch a living creature that has zero hit points? Oh, but he still has one hit point.

Speaker 6:

So I can do cure wounds then Okay.

Speaker 1:

Just remember, you only have two spell slots.

Speaker 6:

So I wouldn't be able to use spare the dying because he still has some hit points.

Speaker 1:

Correct Spare the dying is for someone that has zero hit points.

Speaker 6:

And if I use spare the dying, it'll make him stable to the point where I don't have to use another spell slot like cure wounds, Do you say.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

If I used spare the dying.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

He'd be stable enough that I don't have to use a healing spell right away.

Speaker 1:

You can't use spare the dying on him because he doesn't have. He has one hit point.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because it's. It knocks him to zero. If he's knocked to zero, he's unconscious. He's unconscious, it spares him from death, saves and stuff like that. Think of it that way.

Speaker 6:

I have like a little bit of a plan in my mind, so let me just ask the question.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

If I use spare the dying, I don't have to immediately use a healing spell because he just doesn't have to do the death saves yet right.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't have to do the death saves anyway because he still has one hit point. He's not at zero hit points yet.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so you pulled him out of the pit, right yeah he's out of the pit so.

Speaker 1:

I mean you can bandage him up, yeah, but again, he will remain at one hit point until Until you get a long rest, or something.

Speaker 3:

I would say, we just bandage him up. Yeah, I think that's Especially since I only have four hit points left.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, that's what I'm trying to know. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Why have? Zanderos is going to need it and then I will probably need it because I just like to make sure everyone notices my husband attempting to kill me.

Speaker 1:

I'm not attempting to kill you. Hashtag couple goals. That's right, that could go either way. All right. So what have you done? So you've bandaged him up, yeah, okay, so he's stable. You've stopped the bleeding, so he's. You popped his shoulder back into place and it's feeling. He's got movement on the arm again, so that's good. You've had to splint both of his legs, so walking is really probably not an option for Vincent at this point.

Speaker 3:

So you want to put him on Cali, or I was just about to say yeah, we can sling him over Cali, Okay.

Speaker 1:

Excellent. So Vincent is on Cali, and who's Are you now in the lead?

Speaker 5:

I don't know, should we put someone bigger than?

Speaker 6:

me in the lead as you stare into my soul. Sure, it doesn't have to be you.

Speaker 5:

I'm just sitting across the table from you. I could stare at James too, look.

Speaker 3:

I'm probably squishier than both of you so. And I give the warlock a very stern look and he's dead.

Speaker 5:

Should we Dall? Are you okay with going first? Sure, how many hit points do you have left?

Speaker 6:

I'm full.

Speaker 5:

I have.

Speaker 6:

I have 10.

Speaker 3:

Cali carrying. Vincent can go first she's got more hit points.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So she can go first and I think, given what we've just experienced, I think we should probably Give each other just a little bit of room Instead. Of being right on top of each other, yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right, so Lest.

Speaker 3:

I offend her once more.

Speaker 1:

So you make your way up the path, you continue up the path. Fortunately, nothing else happens to you. You get to, so You're now at the hideout. These are known as the Cragmaw Goblins. So you see, this is the Cragmaw hideout. The Cragmaw Goblins have established this hideout. This is their base of operations for attacking people and plundering out on the Tribor Trail. They're named the Cragmaw Goblins Because these goblins sharpen their teeth to jagged points, trying to make themselves look a little bit more intimidating, fierce. Hence that's the Cragmaw name. The leader of the Cragmaws, as we mentioned, was the bugbear named Clark Griswold. So there's that. And as you get up to the hideout you notice there's a statue there. Someone do an investigation check?

Speaker 3:

I'm glad they do an investigation check, Although there's better investigation than me. How?

Speaker 6:

much Zero.

Speaker 3:

Zero plus to that I have one.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I also have one, Eighteen, nineteen.

Speaker 1:

Alright, so you notice, this statue is in the shape of a moose and there's a sign. What languages can you speak?

Speaker 3:

Dwarves and common.

Speaker 5:

Common Elvish and Nomish.

Speaker 6:

Common Elvish and Fernald.

Speaker 1:

Excellent. So it's written in Elvish and it says sorry folks, cragmaw hideout is closed for repairs. Please come back. Please come back later. I'm kidding.

Speaker 5:

I'm just waiting for the goblin who looks like John Candy.

Speaker 3:

It's a very large goblin anywhere around. Moose at the door should have told that.

Speaker 1:

Cragmaw hideout is closed people.

Speaker 4:

That's fantastic.

Speaker 1:

Moose statue at the door should have told you yes, so, yeah. So Clark is the bugbear leader of the Cragmaws and he's got his orders from King Dave Grohl to plunder all these caravans that are traveling down the tri-bore trail. A few days ago, the messenger was sent from what is known as Cragmaw Castle with new instructions to capture the dwarf Gundren rock seeker and anyone traveling with him the trail. When you get to the end of the trail, it opens up into this area near the entrance. So you're in that open grassy area on the kind of western side of the river there. So here you are. What would you like to do from this point? So let me tell you. I'll tell you this much. Let me see, there is, there is a pathway into the cave that is on the east side of this creek river, whatever you want to call. It's not really a river, but this water coming out of the cave. So there's a. You'll see, there's a small pathway entrance on the on the eastern side of the cave. They call it a shallow stream, a shallow stream flowing from the mouth of the cave. There is dense briar, thickets. There's a narrow, dry path leading into the cave on the right hand side. What would you like to do?

Speaker 5:

We don't see anyone around do an investigation.

Speaker 1:

Check back. My eyes closed A two and a seven. Would you like to investigate Iquium?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, why the hell not?

Speaker 1:

Because these two found nothing.

Speaker 6:

Right Blinded, uh-oh.

Speaker 5:

Oh, it's over by the water hole Right next to the bowl Blending into the mat 15.

Speaker 3:

Anything else A 15. That an investigation, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's an investigation, Okay 15. Okay, 15. So you get up to the so where are you investigating? So, if you're looking around, tell me, give me an idea as to what exactly you're.

Speaker 3:

So, right now, this entrance to the right.

Speaker 1:

Well, you're on the left-hand side of the stream, you're in that open area on the left-hand side of the stream there's the stream itself and then to the right you see all those thickets. There's that small little area that you can't really see because the thickets are overgrown so it's hard to see over there. But there's also the entrance, the pathway, the narrow pathway on the right-hand side of the stream, going into the cave.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to go investigate the oh wait, the thickets are. Where are we in comparison to that Right now? Where would you say that we are Down here?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

No, you're not.

Speaker 1:

You're right where those tokens are on that western side of the stream. That's where you are, okay.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

Where's the entrance line? It's up here here.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 1:

Right where Fable is pointing. That's a small pathway into the cave.

Speaker 6:

That's tiny, that's tiny, tiny just like you. I am so small Yet mighty, here's your gate.

Speaker 1:

Oh, thank you. So what are you doing?

Speaker 3:

I'm going to go investigate the entrance.

Speaker 1:

Are you going by yourself or are you bringing?

Speaker 3:

I have Callie with me, callie's holding Goblin. How big is the entrance?

Speaker 1:

though Callie would probably have to walk in the stream too. The stream is only about two feet deep, so, callie, that path is probably not wide enough for Callie to fit on. Let me see. I mean the ceilings themselves. You can see the opening. It's about 20 to 30 feet high, so it's, height-wise, not a problem. Width-wise, callie will just make her way in that entrance.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm going to have her wait right by the entrance. I'm going to move right there to investigate. The trap kills me by the way.

Speaker 1:

So as you make your way across, well, give me a survival check as you try to cross the stream.

Speaker 3:

It gets swept away. Is the stream moving that fast? Is it that deep that it would?

Speaker 1:

It's two feet deep.

Speaker 3:

It's two feet deep, okay.

Speaker 1:

It's moving in a clip. Ten. You struggle to get across the stream, but you make it successfully. You get close to the entrance to the cave.

Speaker 3:

What do I see From?

Speaker 7:

the clearing in the thickets. You hear, hey, who are you and where are you going?

Speaker 1:

You quickly turn around and see two goblins and a goblin boss.

Speaker 3:

I found your friend. He told me to come up here and bring you. He's been hurt. He fell into your pit.

Speaker 7:

What friend.

Speaker 3:

I have Callie turn to them. She's on his back. Vincent is on Callie's back.

Speaker 1:

So Vincent up there very weak.

Speaker 7:

Please don't shoot.

Speaker 1:

It's Vincent and they go who.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes he's known as Kyler or Chad.

Speaker 7:

Oh, yes, yes, we know him, he likes.

Speaker 3:

Vincent, though, by the way.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's a little classy, right. I don't know why he never told us that. Does he not feel comfortable talking?

Speaker 3:

with us about these things. I think he's got a little problem with assertion. I'm just thinking, that's just my idea, just thinking out loud.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, vincent. So Vincent is fine, that's fine. So so Vincent.

Speaker 3:

I just turned the vision like see Vincent, it's getting better already. Look at that.

Speaker 1:

So who wants to try to tell? Because Vincent, vincent is in such a weakened condition that he can't he can't really tell these. Tell these guys the whole story. So who wants to explain to Dahl Zanros? Who wants to explain your conversation? Probably, Zanros, because you're the one that's hiring Vincent, yeah, and really convinced him to join you guys.

Speaker 3:

You all are on employment, so that's yes.

Speaker 1:

So so make your pitch to these three. Hello.

Speaker 4:

I'm Zanros Pemblebumble. I'm sure you've heard of the Pemblebumbles.

Speaker 1:

I am.

Speaker 4:

What is with all you people?

Speaker 1:

Lady, we've again. We've been living under rocks.

Speaker 4:

My goal is to go to FanDalen and open a BNB that will be a haven for all creatures, and your friend, vincent here has agreed to come work for me. I'm going to need lots of help, and I pay a fair wage, so we thought you might be interested too.

Speaker 1:

Like what kind of work are we going to have to do, because just killing people is kind of fun.

Speaker 4:

I'm not going to be able to offer you killing people.

Speaker 7:

Do you want me to rob people? No, no, what else do you?

Speaker 4:

like to do Eat them, you cannot eat people. What are? We supposed to do what?

Speaker 1:

do you?

Speaker 4:

enjoy doing other than killing people, eating people and robbing people.

Speaker 1:

Well, we like to play dress up.

Speaker 4:

Okay, I'm seeing the Bumblebumble Bimini.

Speaker 5:

Bobbity boutique. Now it gets sued by Disney.

Speaker 3:

I'm just saying a uniform and allowance might be included in the negotiations.

Speaker 7:

Oh, uniforms We've been trying to get. We've been trying to get Clark to get his uniforms and he won't do it.

Speaker 4:

I would go so far as to say that you can choose the uniforms.

Speaker 7:

Can we design the uniforms Absolutely? Oh, now, that is a tempting offer All right.

Speaker 4:

Keep in mind you won't need to rob people because I pay a fair wage. So you'll have money in your pocket and I can't control what you do when you're not at the BNB. But you've got to agree not to kill, eat or rob the patrons of the BNB.

Speaker 1:

They think about it. They think about it long and hard and they're like roll persuasion jack Okay.

Speaker 5:

The 14.

Speaker 1:

That's not terrible. All right, you're a little hesitant, but you're persuasive enough that they they agree to this. They said you're still going to have to deal with Clark. He's not going to be happy about this.

Speaker 4:

You leave Clark to me.

Speaker 7:

Oh, all right, all right.

Speaker 4:

I've got these really gorgeous shoes that I happen to have in my pack that I think Clark will love Really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what Clark really likes when he when he's eating people real tomato ketchup. If you can bring Clark some real tomato ketchup, nothing but the but, nothing but the best for Clark, Do you think Clark?

Speaker 4:

would like to make ketchup at the BNB. Oh, same Clark's ketchup. Is Clark a good cook? Because we need a cook.

Speaker 1:

Clark is a bad guy there's. You will not be able to convince Clark to to help you, clark, clark, clark is loyal to King Dave Grawl. So you, you, you convince these guys. They're, they're, they're on board with the, they're on board with the plan. They're not going to, they're not going to help you defeat Clark because they're very afraid, afraid of Clark. But they will. They will definitely not fight you and apply for employment at the Bumblebumble BNB. So so you got a couple of things. So remember that Gundren and Sildar are probably still in this cave, maybe still in this cave. Clark is now in there, that you've got to deal with Clark because he is not going to be happy when all his goblins are are leaving him. So you've got some issues with Clark. So where would you like to go? I think we're going to have to go into the cave right.

Speaker 5:

Xanros has a whole floor routine too.

Speaker 3:

Oh floor routine.

Speaker 6:

Nice, nice, I will tonight.

Speaker 5:

James, I wasn't going to shame you publicly, wow.

Speaker 3:

Too late so far, public shaming and dog has been shot.

Speaker 5:

Okay. So do we want to make our way into the cave, or do we want to ask our new goblin friends if they've got any advice for us before we go into the cave?

Speaker 3:

I would say, the sooner you, the sooner you tell us where to look, the quicker we get that and the quicker we get to designing uniforms and, you know, and finding our next pastry chef.

Speaker 1:

There's, there's. There's all sorts of goblins in this cave there's. We don't normally go in all the parts of the cave. I mean we just kind of, we just kind of hang out in the one part.

Speaker 4:

But Do you have any friends inside who you recommend we talk to? Also, what are? Your names and social security numbers.

Speaker 3:

Because of the social security numbers. Identity theft is a real thing at this time of year.

Speaker 4:

I mean I need to run back down text.

Speaker 1:

Identity theft is not a joke, Jim.

Speaker 5:

I was to finally suffer every year.

Speaker 3:

So bears Beats.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

Galactica. So the goblin boss, his name is Michael Okay.

Speaker 3:

Best bugbear ever, totally.

Speaker 1:

Well, he, well, he's not, he's just, he's the goblin, he's the bugbear. Is Clark, Clark, clark is the bugbear. So you have Michael. There is creed, creed the goblin and Oscar, oscar, the two other goblins. What I was trying to remember, the name of the band that creed Braden, was in the something groups. That's right, anyway. So, okay, you're going to go into. So they tell you their names, michael, okay. So the first one is the grass, the grass roots.

Speaker 4:

Michael creed and Oscar, All right Should we go into this cave and try to find your friends who I think you've forgotten about in Quiam and then, you know, get back on our way, because. I got a bunch of employees to train now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely. So we definitely have to find them because, yeah, I want his, I want payment for that wagon.

Speaker 4:

Um are we still going to get paid if they come with us with the wagon, because I need that gold Trying to branch out for my family.

Speaker 1:

You're, you're, you're, you're getting paid. Well, yeah, I mean you can die.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, as long as we deliver the wagon, we're fine. We just that's what we're paid to. You know, it's what we're being paid to do. So all right, say undoubtedly we would get paid. And of course, for rescuing Gundren. Who knows?

Speaker 4:

Bonus. All right, so go in. I say we go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all right, we're going in. So let's say we're going in. I just got a.

Speaker 3:

Cali alert.

Speaker 1:

So who has? As you, as you enter the cave, it's completely dark. So who has dark vision? I do. Humans do not have dark vision. Pretty sure I do right. That's right. I believe you do, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I have dark vision. Listen, people, don't make me mix other elements into your horn. Polish.

Speaker 1:

Oh my so. So, iquium, how do you, how do you propose to see in this cave?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I have nothing that suggests light, so I will have to either be between the two of them.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And hold it on to Cali.

Speaker 1:

So I would assume Cali would have dark vision.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

So do you want to? Do you want to ride on Cali, or you're just going to hold on to Cali and Hold on to Cali, because she's got. So you're, you're going back to Cali.

Speaker 3:

I'm going back to Cali.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think so, so. So in what order are you going to enter the someone with dark vision has to go first.

Speaker 6:

obviously You'll go first, okay.

Speaker 1:

So so Dall's going. First, do you want to? Do you want to put Iquium and Calium between, and then you in the back? That's fine, I can bring up the rear. I think you're the most hurt at this point, right.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, what do you have left?

Speaker 3:

It's point one.

Speaker 1:

Nine points.

Speaker 5:

Okay. Four has somebody threw me into a pit?

Speaker 3:

If you're going to heal anybody, remember I'm a dog owner.

Speaker 7:

Wow, I'll be happy to take care of.

Speaker 4:

Callie after Iquium's untimely demise at my tiny little hands Wow.

Speaker 1:

As you start entering the cave, just inside the cave mouth to the right, you see a few uneven stone steps ascending to a small dank chamber off the main passageway. Cave narrows to a steep fissure at the far end and is filled with the stench of animals. Three chained wolves snarl and rattle their chains as you approach the cave mouth. Each wolf's chain leads to an iron rod driven into the base of a stalagmite.

Speaker 5:

I don't want to leave them there. Do we want to befriend the wolves or release the wolves?

Speaker 6:

Befriend yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, why don't we send Callie into?

Speaker 5:

chat with the wolves, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Towards the shot. I don't know whether that's going to fuck with the wolves, or really going to send your wolf in every time this was going to happen?

Speaker 5:

I mean, it makes sense.

Speaker 3:

They're wolves. Are they regular wolves or are they dire wolves?

Speaker 1:

They're just regular, regular wolves.

Speaker 5:

So Callie's quite a bit larger. Aw, my doorhole.

Speaker 3:

Thank you. That doesn't help sell the ferociousness of the chains.

Speaker 7:

No, look at how cute.

Speaker 5:

They're just little guys Got a filthy tail.

Speaker 1:

So you want to send Callie in.

Speaker 3:

Well, I can't see them.

Speaker 6:

Relay the message. You can hear them, but she can probably smell them and stuff.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

Yeah, and you can probably hear them.

Speaker 1:

Well, Callie's got dark vision, so Callie should be able to see them. Callie can see them. Do you feel comfortable sending Callie in there?

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean what I think she should do and what she should probably do might be two different things. Because she's a dog, I think she should go yell them Okay. Exert dominance as a dire wolf, but I can be wrong.

Speaker 1:

So we're doing that now, okay.

Speaker 3:

You're going to let your dog take a leak everywhere in the caves it's bad enough, it spells that's right, okay, so what do you want to do?

Speaker 1:

Actually, because you're in control of Callie.

Speaker 3:

I want to let her investigate. She can keep her distance, but I want to know what their reaction is to her Like. Is it an instant like ferocious action and we should just leave them chained, or is it a submissive reaction that we could risk un-chaining them? This is the problem. They're rescue dogs.

Speaker 1:

These wolves are.

Speaker 3:

They're wolves. They're wild animals. They're bigger than dogs.

Speaker 1:

They're vicious. They are vicious and they see Callie as a threat. Callie is much larger than them. They see Callie as a threat and are lunging at her.

Speaker 3:

Can you guys see, is there anything of interest in this cave other than the three of them? There's three of them tied up.

Speaker 1:

Three of them.

Speaker 5:

Can we do investigation checks to see if we see anything else other than the wolves?

Speaker 1:

Like I said, there's a let's see, I want to see. There's really nothing else in this area. You see a narrow opening in the wall to the east and it appears to climb up. It looks like it goes up about 30 feet.

Speaker 3:

That narrow opening, it goes up 30 feet.

Speaker 1:

Yes, there's a narrow opening in the that one to the right. That's actually going up about 30 feet.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so it's just sewing the incline.

Speaker 1:

It's a very steep incline.

Speaker 3:

I see we back out and avoid it, but that's me.

Speaker 5:

So we're just leaving the wolves there.

Speaker 3:

Yes, because if they see Cali, they're being territorial and they go after her. If they were showing any signs of submission, I would say we let them go, but they're more likely to go after us as there's.

Speaker 5:

So if we back out, you want to go around the other way, like, keep going up the path, because we just came here, right, that's where they are. So we back out and head up that way.

Speaker 3:

So I think we should leave this and proceed forward and follow that pathway up and around.

Speaker 6:

I have an agreeance and now you get my. Asmr.

Speaker 4:

Welcome to the delicious dish.

Speaker 3:

Sponsored by.

Speaker 1:

Pete Schweddy's.

Speaker 5:

Schweddy balls. They're salty in my mouth.

Speaker 1:

I love the texture of your balls.

Speaker 5:

Fable's like I'm way too young to understand this reference.

Speaker 3:

And then, of course, the other sponsorship option is Ron Popeal's pocket fisherman. It slices, dives, chops and shreds. It even makes julienne fries. But you got to cut that sucker, just right.

Speaker 1:

So you're continuing your way up the path.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 1:

All right to your. As you get a little bit further ahead to the left Now you don't see this Iquium, but the main passage from the cave mouth starts climbing steeply upward the stream, plunging and splashing down its west side. In the shadows there's a side passage leading west across the other side of the stream. Now you also notice from where you're standing, so you see. So just past the first little cave area that you room area, that you saw, you see there's a couple steps that go up there. So it starts to it starts to go up steeply. However, in the shadows up ahead, toward the ceiling to the north, you can just make out the dim shape of a rope bridge crossing over the passage ahead of you. Another passage, 20 feet above the floor, appears to intersect this one.

Speaker 4:

I personally would like to stay on dry ground, because that water's probably over my head.

Speaker 6:

Put you on my shoulders.

Speaker 1:

It's still only about two feet deep, so it's not so you get. It would be about neck height. I'm not loving that. I don't blame you. Well, from what you're telling me, I think we should proceed.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I think we're going to keep going up, right? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because we can find out where that bridge crosses, because that's going the same direction as that thing. So I'm I'm totally with that.

Speaker 5:

So if we go up, do we want to go up and go right or left across the bridge?

Speaker 3:

Well, the bridge is over our heads, so we don't have access to the bridge. Is that right?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, like we have to go on, we have to walk under.

Speaker 3:

I say under and then up.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

I say so we're going to go Right. We said under and around, I'm going to let you.

Speaker 5:

I'm going to let you say it because I can't see so yeah, so we're going to, so Dall and I are going to discuss this, because if we can't see, okay, we're going under that bridge right, and then we're going to go up and around.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I think that's.

Speaker 1:

So I need you all to give me stealth checks.

Speaker 6:

Eight 17. Stealthy. I'm disadvantaged.

Speaker 1:

You got a 17 on disadvantage. What'd you roll?

Speaker 6:


Speaker 1:

What were the two roles?

Speaker 6:

Oh shit, I forgot how disadvantage works.

Speaker 3:

So wait, I got a roll and a disadvantage.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no Dall does because of their, their, armor.

Speaker 6:

So it's a 13. A 13. Still not terrible.

Speaker 1:

And what did you get?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And do I have to roll for Cali? She has something.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Okay, cause it's oh, not 20. Plus her stealth is plus four, so 24. So fortunately for most of you, you have a 14.

Speaker 1:

So, fortunately for most of you, you go on noticed. However, even your tiniest party member Get spotted and from the bridge you hear release the water.

Speaker 3:

And you hear that, hearing that I yell no, no, we have one of your guys, we have Vincent with us.

Speaker 1:

Me persuasion. Check yes, it's not an at one.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if I can. Is it a negative? It's a. Oh, I get plus two, so it's five, three. So I'm I'm not sure, I'm not sure, I'm not sure, I'm not sure.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure Three, so unfortunately, combination of the rushing water, and just they're. They're not convinced. And so you hear, you hear a couple goblins up ahead, and you hear these hammers, and, and suddenly you start to hear More rushing water. Everybody, give me a dexterity saving throw, as suddenly water comes gushing down Through this passage 23.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

And and a 13. And what'd you get down.

Speaker 1:

All right. So Zen, Rose, Iquium and Cali Are able to get out of the way Of the rushing waters. However, Dow is caught up In the rushing water that's coming down the passageway Down. Give me a strength saving throw 16. You are fortunately able to grab on to something and hold on to it. So, even even though you got caught in the waters, you found a rock or a rope or something and you're able to grab onto that and hold on Tightly enough so that, while all this water came rushing past you, you weren't, you weren't swept away by it. So you are, you are, kept safe. You're now, you're now kind of Down in the water, but you are not, you're not, washed away at this point. So you're, you're all safe from, from that. So now, so you're now at the point You're probably washed back a little bit. You're probably close to that, not all the way down, but you're probably about To that, that little pathway on the left, before the bridge. So you're down, down, kind of midway on that, on that little stream. So you just got to come back up and meet your, meet the rest of your party.

Speaker 6:

So everyone else is under the bridge at this point.

Speaker 1:

Yes, under the bridge. Yes, say it, catherine.

Speaker 5:

King is Dave girl, not Anthony Kitas.

Speaker 1:

That's right. All right. So you're going to continue ahead.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I think so yes nowhere to go but up.

Speaker 1:

So you get up to. You get up to the main area On the right hand side. There, in the upper right hand corner, there's a cavern half filled With, now just one large pool of water as a narrow waterfall high in the eastern wall. Feeding the pools they drain out the western end of the chamber to form the stream that flows from the cave mouth below. Low fieldstone walls serve as dams holding the water. You notice one of them has been broken open and has released all its water, but there's still one there and A wide exit To the south. You see Smaller passages lead west. One is the one that you were already, that you just came in on, and there's another pathway as well. There Sound of the waterfall echoes through the cavern, making it very difficult to hear. And there are up in this area. Let's say there are Three goblins here and two walls. These are the goblins that just released the water On to you. So they see you and are. They've got their weapons in hand. They've got some scimitar's and some bows and they are going to release the two wolves On you. They have two wolves, or there are two walls that have just been released to attack you, so Roll for initiative 15. Hang on. Let me take my notes, xanrous 15.

Speaker 3:

The cream has five. Callie has a. Oh, callie has the same Five, right, what was the other one you? Wanted to be eight. No, it was seven, it was five. Okay, I rolled both of them. I remember you Right, so seven.

Speaker 1:

Seven. Okay, there are three. I say three goblins and then two wolves. I Gonna find my other D eight. I'm going to turn it over where all my D eights are. Where are my D eights at? I'm going to roll my Yikes, that's bad, that's better. All right, I'm going to roll for these guys so you can Start attacking them. We're doing whatever.

Speaker 5:

I have to fight, but I'd like to try to reason with the problems, please. I need multiple ships covered.

Speaker 3:

Slaying your workforces is never preferred action for my management. I'm going to get a little bit of a. Hey, it took a nois. Dive on those last employee surveys.

Speaker 5:

Why is that? Oh, we slayed half of them.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, we killed a bunch of them. Whoops, all right, so so what's the? So? What order did you?

Speaker 6:

What order did you come up in into this area?

Speaker 5:

I came up last because I just, and then I'm right behind, and then Now.

Speaker 1:

Got it Okay. So, iquium, you're going to be Goblin. One is coming after you With its. It's going to run up to you and attack with its Cemetery.

Speaker 3:

Get one of them. Fancy new fangal senators.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. Are you a similar? Or a congressman Does a 16 hit? Yeah, yes, okay, and let's see if that's going to do. I mean five piercing, five slashing damage. Oh, I'm bad you down. Nope. Okay, but I'm hurting Okay.

Speaker 6:

How much health do you have? Or?

Speaker 1:

They all rolled really high initiatives. I'm so sorry the two wolves are going to go after Cali. Okay. And I want to see what they're. That's going to be an unnatural 20. And 19. To hit.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Okay, let's say that's going to be seven points of Piercing damage from the one and 10 piercing damage from the other. That's going to be a huge hit. You're up, you've got some. You've got some saving to do, because I know you're hurting Equium's hurting you.

Speaker 5:

you've got to do some, some fast talking too.

Speaker 1:

I'd like to try to reason with what goblin is closest to me, Because he just, he just ran up to you.

Speaker 5:

The other two are still still a little back, so I would, I would talk to him. Okay, so I'm going to try to talk to this guy, okay, all right.

Speaker 1:

Do I want to roll anything? Or talk first what are you going to say?

Speaker 4:

What do you want to say to him? Listen, I don't want to fight you. I didn't talk to a bunch of your Comrades, I guess coworkers, I don't know. And I'm opening a, b and B. I'm your own uniforms. I pay a very fair wage and it'll be a much nicer life. It will smell so much better than this cave smells. What?

Speaker 1:

do you say Vincent is just going to shout and just say guys, listen to her.

Speaker 4:

Employee of the month number one, Vincent.

Speaker 1:

Roll roll persuasion with advantage, because you've got, you've got Vincent on your side helping you out.

Speaker 5:

So the advantage is just I can roll twice.

Speaker 1:

You roll twice in whichever one is higher you take.

Speaker 5:

So that's 17.

Speaker 1:

17. So you are, you are quite convincing to these, to these goblins, and they, they, they recognize their comrades, voice, they, they know that if, if, if, you were with him, and he's okay, he's not really okay but he's going to say, ish, ish, he's alive.

Speaker 5:

We did fish him out of that pit.

Speaker 1:

He's not going to say you saved him, you saved his life. They don't know that. However they're, they're sufficiently convinced, so they will not, at least at this point. They will stop attacking you. So you may need, you may need to, you may need to do additional convincing. However they have, they have put away their weapons at this point. It leads us now to Dow. Okay, so you've got. So the goblins have put their weapons away, so they're not a threat currently, but you've got two wolves that just did some significant damage to Callie.

Speaker 6:

Is it safe to say the goblins are going to tell the books to stand down, or is that like?

Speaker 1:

They haven't been. They're not really concerned about the wolves themselves. They're. They're enough to put their own weapons away, but they haven't stopped. It's not their turn to tell them to stop the wolves. So what do you want to do with the wolves? Or a wolf? How's your animal handling?

Speaker 6:

It's a plus three. Should I try to roll for that?

Speaker 1:

Would you like to Do? You want to do? You want to try to stop them, or do you want to attack them?

Speaker 6:

I guess I'll try to stop them if we've made slight peace with the goblins. So how?

Speaker 1:

are you? How are you going to try to do that? What do you? What action are you taking to try to calm them down and stop them from attacking? I don't know, it's going to like reach out a hand to them, like, try to like to comfort them and calm them, or you're going to whistle at them just to get them to stop. Like, what do you try to calm them down? You're going to try to calm them down, okay, so you're going to walk up to them, lay a hand on each of them, try to calm them down. So, give me an animal handling check. Nine, well, they have stopped attacking Cali, but they, they lunge around, they whip their heads around quickly and snap at you, having having touched them, and now they're quite angry with with you. Well, they're staring at, they're staring at, I don't want to say they're quite angry with you. They've turned around, they whip their heads around and they're growling at you. Now, just looking at you and growling. They're very angry. Okay, now it is. So the other it's the other two goblins turns again, they're not, they're not attacking. They're like what are you doing here? And this will bring us back to Zanrose.

Speaker 4:

Did you hear me talking to your friend up there? Oh no.

Speaker 1:

Iquim, you didn't go yet, did you? I didn't go yet? No, I'm sorry, forgive me, iquim, it's up to your turn now.

Speaker 4:

So you've got. Do you want to tell them about the B&B?

Speaker 1:

So look, so you got. You got two pressing issues. Yeah, you've got the goblins who've just put their weapons away yeah, who don't appear to be a threat. You also have two, two wolves, who just attacked Cali and Inflicted some damage and I'm now to put turn their sights onto dow and are growling at at dow, so that that that's your most imminent threat.

Speaker 3:

At this point, I Think I would see that, as they're not being, they're not controlling them in any way. So if they're going after dow and Cali, I'm gonna have to Force damage. So I would say, oh, I'm gonna cast Mage Hand.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 3:

And I'm gonna put the Mage Hand between the wolves and and us and Dow and Cali, because I'm assuming they're close to each other. Yeah, yeah. So I know where Cali is because I'm touching Cali. Like I put it, put the Mage Hand in front of, in front of us.

Speaker 1:

And what is the hand Doing?

Speaker 3:

Basically just doing this, it's just Just Holding them back. It's not.

Speaker 1:

It's not touching them, but it's Acting like a wall in front of that give me, interestingly enough, an animal handling check to see how they react to the Mage Hand 14. So this, this is enough to this kind of Surprises them, because they're, they're not. They don't see magic happening that often. So they see this hand in front of them and it kind of just jolt them out of what they were doing. So they're no longer growling, they're just kind of in this, the state of state of shock. It is their turn next. Well, no, forgive me, I keep getting the order mixed up here. Oh no, oh yeah, Cali has to go now.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I Will. Cali's just gonna howl. I'm not gonna have her attack Because if the hand was enough to throw them off, Right. She's gonna how like karaoke night Um what?

Speaker 1:

Do another, do an animal handling, check again just handling yeah. Well, yeah, you know, let's do intimidation. Intimidation the how was that? Is the howling intimidating? How?

Speaker 3:

or the rule for her. Okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah um. How charismatic is your dire wolf.

Speaker 3:

Well, I think she's beautiful, but she's got a minus two.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I don't know, I don't know. Um, okay, these wolves are minus two as well, so, so it's a wolf thing, it's a, it is Okay. So, uh, 16 minus two, 14. Okay, so again, it's enough to it's.

Speaker 1:

They're, they're a little bit scared at this point. So they, they, they've stopped the mage hand, stopped them in the tracks. Now this howl Kind of just again, just just quiet. Bless you, thank you, quiet's them down, it's now goblin ones turn again, the one that attacked you and Was listening to zan Rose. So the the goblins seeing all this action Happening by the other two, by the two wolves attacking and he is wearing a hat by the two wolves attacking, and he just whistles and and gets them to Sit. They immediately sit, stop and and and behave. So they are. They are no longer a threat Now we get on to. So the wolves just kind of sit there. They kind of are just sitting there looking at the the goblins now to see what, what's next.

Speaker 3:

Clearly that was the caesar Milan of the goblin world.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. You see how we did that at the same time. That was good, zanra. So what do you want to say? So now you're Make your pitch.

Speaker 4:

There is a place for all of you including these very well trained wolves At the bumble bumble z oh my goodness. The bimble bumble d and d oh my god.

Speaker 5:

Nope, it's been too many hours. I'm done One more time.

Speaker 4:

The bimble, bumble, b and b boom nailed it. Thank you, I could use some. I could use some security. These walls can obviously provide it. And I'd like to offer you all jobs. What do you say?

Speaker 1:

What's in it for us?

Speaker 4:

Like. I said you can design your uniforms, you'll be paid well. And what do you like to do? What do you? What are your pastimes? Rob people yeah that's not gonna be okay. What else would you like to do? Do you like to cook? Do you enjoy entertaining? Do you make things out of wood?

Speaker 3:

Do you like to kill your?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

And the one, the one gov is just like I. Just I just want to dance beautiful. There's a place for that give you a show. Excellent excellent.

Speaker 3:

Nobody puts Vincent in the corner.

Speaker 7:

Oh, I don't know my god, we could.

Speaker 1:

We could totally do it with, with dowel and zanrose. We could totally do the dirty dancing move. Yeah, little zanrose, run up and.

Speaker 3:

I can't do the lift no.

Speaker 7:

No, you can.

Speaker 5:

And zanrose only weighs 29 pounds and aqueem's like All right.

Speaker 1:

So you you've successfully convinced another group of goblins who to go along with the plan and their names are. They're stanley tobey and the gnar dog.

Speaker 3:

I was gonna say he could be. He could be higgins, release the hounds yes or smithers or smithers.

Speaker 1:

The wolves don't have names, so if you'd like to name them yourself, you can. You can name the wolves.

Speaker 3:

I always approve of giving large, ferocious dogs Cutesy names like fluffy and stuff like that I was gonna go fluffy and maybe the other one can be bitsy. Oh, bitsy, I like that bitsy and fluffy fluffy bitsy. Yes, so they're like sitting in the afterlife. What'd you give life fluffy and bitsy? Ripped my throat out.

Speaker 5:

Okay, so fluffy and bitsy and of course zanrose loves them because they're wolves, so right you're such good wolves.

Speaker 1:

Excellent, so Very nicely done you. You're doing a great job of Convincing all the goblins who to join. Join your. Your your plan for the bumble bumble b&b for the dnd bb eg Exactly On air b&b, d&d b&b the bimble bumble air b&b for bb eg's say bbg on vrbo on vrbo, nice, wow, nice.

Speaker 3:

And now the circle is complete.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes. Where would you like to go from here?

Speaker 3:

I think a rest is an order.

Speaker 1:

I think you're right At the very least a short rest.

Speaker 7:

I need something, something, I need a little back me up.

Speaker 1:

All right, so let's, so, let's, let's do this, let's, since you, no, didi, no, please, no, since you, since you've gotten to this spot, yeah, let's take what's a short rest, like an hour.

Speaker 3:

Up to four hours up to four hours.

Speaker 1:

So let's take let's have your characters take a short rest, all right. So everybody's taking a short rest. Yes, is that a hit points? Are you, are we?

Speaker 3:

doing any healing Now. Do you, do you need more healing? Where are you at seven?

Speaker 1:

Seven out of ten.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, okay, and I have 11 out of 13.

Speaker 6:

Do you want me going?

Speaker 3:

I would say yes for you.

Speaker 6:

My plan was to do it before we took a short rest, so I'd get my yeah, do you get it back? After a short rest. Yeah, I do. That's why I wanted to do it before, but it's a little too late now.

Speaker 1:

Yep, okay.

Speaker 6:

Do you still want it?

Speaker 5:

I Don't know, okay, what you're saying, yes, or?

Speaker 6:

do we want to save it for when you're critical?

Speaker 3:

Well, you use it now. If you're getting it back, I would say definitely we already.

Speaker 6:

We already took our short rest, so I can't Do that anymore. Do you know what I mean? My plan was before we took a short rest, so I'd get it back, but now it's too late.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's a bit is it too late?

Speaker 6:

It's too late.

Speaker 3:

Fair enough.

Speaker 5:

I'd say let's wait, let's see what we run up against. Yeah and then, if I need it, I'll have you heal me later. I'm just rolling through this place trying to recruit employees, so so where are you headed next?

Speaker 3:

It'd be great if you had a folding table. I Cast folding table.

Speaker 5:

Nice just gonna leave you all with a little bit of a literature about the bumblebumble b&b.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like a press kit for the b&b. I cast.

Speaker 3:

Produce press kit or pamphlet.

Speaker 1:

I've got a powerpoint presentation, yet a wall I can project this on.

Speaker 5:

So we came up this way, right and around and now if we go down? This way we can get across that bridge.

Speaker 6:

Well, didn't we want to check out? We never got to this room.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, do we want to go up that way? Yeah, because we don't know. We don't know where.

Speaker 6:

This is where we could have gone up that 30 we put, but we didn't. We were going around. So I think we checked this room while we're here, instead of having to go back and then back.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because that way we can at least check for um yeah, gundran You're associate Okay, nice, so shoot yes.

Speaker 1:

So where are you heading?

Speaker 5:

Up, and around and about uh to the so up and to the south.

Speaker 1:

So we're heading to the south end of this large cave. Got it to that big room? Yes, got it, okay. So as you come into this cave area, sacks and crates of looted provisions Are piled in the south end of this large cave. To the west, a larger opening leads north. That's where you just came from, dennis, and there's a set of natural stone steps. The roar of the falling water is now behind you, in the middle of the cavern, the coals of a large fire smolder.

Speaker 5:

Is there anyone in here? Can I look around and see what I can Percept?

Speaker 1:

Give me a perception check 14. Oh, come on, you are not surprised and you duck out of the way of a javelin that comes flying your way.

Speaker 3:

What kind of light is in this room? It's firelight there's firelight. Okay.

Speaker 7:

What have you done with my goblins?

Speaker 4:

Clark, I presume.

Speaker 3:

The one and only so listen, I think you'd make a great concierge. By the way, I'm just saying. I need somebody, a little bit of sass and a club with spice. I haven't done anything with your coblins.

Speaker 4:

I've merely made your coblins a proposition For honest work at a fair rate, and they've taken me up on it.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome to come with us Everyone is welcome at the Bumble Bumble. Bee.

Speaker 4:

There is real tomato ketchup.

Speaker 1:

Clark works for nobody but King Grohl.

Speaker 4:

Don't you think King Grohl is a little overrated? I don't think that at all. Are you just saying that because you think it's gonna get back to him, because I'm not gonna tell him?

Speaker 1:

He'll know, he knows everything. Look, bears are so dumb.

Speaker 3:

Clark what do you call a king role is broken up with his girlfriend. What homeless. It's a dreamer, joe, you're welcome.

Speaker 7:

Was that supposed to be funny? Did you think it was funny.

Speaker 4:

I liked it I thought it was great. Listen, Clark. What do we have to do to get out of here?

Speaker 1:

Give me a performance check.

Speaker 4:

Oh excellent.

Speaker 7:

Sixteen, ah, I get it. Ah, ha ha ha ha. Drummer, girlfriend, homeless, ha ha ha. Oh, funny man, you will die last.

Speaker 3:

I appreciate you, clark, I do. Clark what do we have to do to get?

Speaker 4:

out of here without it being a whole thing, because we really don't want to bother you. I just need people to work at my b&b and, honestly, we just want to find our friends and get out of here. I mean, if you don't want to come, that's fine, but could, like you, just stay here and let king grohl know, like hey sorry we missed. We missed you. But come on down to the b&b.

Speaker 3:

Friends who are your friends Um uh, stylish, smallest gentleman with a hat. Hmm.

Speaker 7:

I don't think I know him.

Speaker 3:

He looks a lot like Gundren.

Speaker 1:

Who is this Gundren?

Speaker 3:

He's a dwarf of my acquaintance.

Speaker 7:

I don't know who you're talking about.

Speaker 4:

I think you're kind of a bad liar. I'm a better fighter, oh good lord You're threatening a three foot five 29 pound rock gnome.

Speaker 1:

You feel like a big bug there. Clark Takes his morning star. That thing, that thing takes that big weapon and takes a huge swing at you. Make an acrobatics check gladly.

Speaker 4:

Oh shit 10.

Speaker 1:

You Feel the rush of wind Of clark's morning star fly past you as you're just able to Pull a matrix move and dodge out of the way of clark's swing. Roll for initiative 14.

Speaker 6:

Are you two?

Speaker 3:

15, and if you want Cali, oh no, no, cali's with you.

Speaker 1:

Cali's with you. Now let's see what, see what the the clark gets the clark oh good. Um, let's see what is. Oh, oh, my god, equium yeah. And Cali, you are up first okay, oh, going forward.

Speaker 3:

How do I roll Cali's hit dice? Is it like? One hit die plus one because I didn't yeah, probably, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. This Cali really doesn't have let do whatever yours is Okay, what is yours, what's your hit?

Speaker 3:

die d8 plus one.

Speaker 1:

So I do the same. Do the same for Cali.

Speaker 3:

Okay, can I do that now?

Speaker 1:

read con or yeah, yeah, that's fine, that's fine.

Speaker 3:

Seven plus one eight okay, okay. Okay, uh, okay. So so I'm, I'm gonna say Cali's gonna attack, clark Cali's a 12.

Speaker 7:

Oh my gosh, there's a howl 12 does not hit Cali.

Speaker 1:

Cali takes a big Chomp at at clark and clark just Dodges out of the way of the of the bite he's. He's used to. He's used to dodging out of wolves because these are, these are rough, rough, rough band of wolves that he deals with, so he's used to used to staying out of their way, so so that misses.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm gonna hit him with Eldridge blast.

Speaker 7:

Oh yes.

Speaker 1:

So 15 15 does not hit Zan Rose Yep you're up.

Speaker 5:

Okay, so I'm gonna attack with the dart.

Speaker 1:

With the dart 25. To hit. That will definitely hit clark. You're gonna hit clark right in the chestnuts.

Speaker 3:

Then we can roast him in his open fire. That's right, okay nine damage, whoa.

Speaker 5:

So I'm gonna go ahead and fling that dart at him, and when I, when I man that you like fling it, I'm gonna go you really should have taken me up on my offer, you idiot.

Speaker 1:

You, you like that. That's gonna inflict some, some serious damage on card like suck it clark. That, that, I think, is second clark. So funny, like I want, I want to say you, you, you like, hit him like right in the neck with this dart. You're like I'm gonna hit him with this dart. I'm gonna hit him with this dart, almost almost piercing the jugular, but now he's, he's got blood kind of Just gurgling out of the side of his neck.

Speaker 3:

You, you really, you really, you really hurt clark.

Speaker 1:

So, Is clark's turn, because you just hit clark. He is coming right back For you, but he's not. He's not running. Well, he took the swing at you with the With the morning star, so he's gonna come back again and try to hit you with the morning star the second time he's. He's angry that he missed the first time and that's gonna mean 18 to hit. I got bad news for you. That is that is. That is. Well, hang on, wait. Oh no, that's the morning star. Yeah, plus two, so that will be 17 points of piercing damage. You're unconscious.

Speaker 3:

Time for spirit of dying, yeah.

Speaker 7:

That brings up dow.

Speaker 6:

I wonder what I'm gonna do. Yeah uh, spirit of dying.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

All right, yeah, I'm cast in spirit of dying and that's a cantrip. So yep, I'm gonna waste in small slots.

Speaker 1:

And that's just. That's an automatic right. There's nothing you have to.

Speaker 3:

I just have to stabilize us. Don't no death throw it no death Okay.

Speaker 2:

So you were now to my hit points. You are now stable.

Speaker 1:

What does that mean?

Speaker 6:

You don't have to do any death saves, but you're, you're down, I'm still down.

Speaker 3:

You're at zero. Yeah, or is it that she gains one hit point?

Speaker 1:

I think, I think, I think you can one hit point to that point.

Speaker 3:

You're at one, You're not stable.

Speaker 5:

Yeah you're stable, you're not Okay, so you've got one hit point, okay and while while zanrose is down and Kind of coming in and out of consciousness with her one hit point, she's just going breakfast, lunch at dinner included.

Speaker 1:

And and zanrose goes. What is there an?

Speaker 7:

omelet station, clark clark. I'm zanrose, zanrose, I'm Todd, you're terry.

Speaker 1:

Clark is asked is the? Is there an omelet station?

Speaker 4:

Yes, Now we're back invited.

Speaker 3:

Equium callie just try callie lunges for clark. Yes, uh 24 that will hit.

Speaker 1:

You will connect with clark.

Speaker 3:

And what do I have to do?

Speaker 6:

2, 3, 6, 7, 8.

Speaker 3:

10 points of damage. Woo.

Speaker 1:

Good dog. So so he's not dead. But so how does so? What does Cali? What does Cali do to Clark to inflict such tremendous damage?

Speaker 3:

I would say she's going right for his weapon hand to try and to try and to try and to try, and she sees, she sees Xander's gonna hit and just goes right after his, right after the weapon that hurt her friend.

Speaker 1:

Because of the amount of damage that you did. Cali chomped down on Clark's arm the one holding the Morning Star, right at right after. This was right after shortly after Xanderos took the took the hit. So Xanderos got knocked the F out, made stable by Dow. So they're down there. Dow is down kneeling over Xanderos. Cali reacts and is just mad as hell because Cali is very protective of these, these two. Now Chomps down on the weapon arm, takes it off at about the elbow and then just spits out the Morning Star on the ground and is chewing on the forearm of Clark.

Speaker 3:

Good girl snackies.

Speaker 1:

Clark is now very, very upset. Xanderos, oh no, no, it's Iquium's turn. Iquium, now, what are you gonna do, iquium?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, fuck Clark.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

That's gotta miss.

Speaker 1:

I will say you should at this point. You should have a. Are you? Are you nearby? Because you might have advantage at this point, because there's so many of you around. Clark, are you doing a ranged attack or?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was gonna do.

Speaker 1:

Eldritch Blast again.

Speaker 3:

No, I wanted to do. Sorry my bad.

Speaker 1:

That's all right.

Speaker 3:

I wanted to do distant whispers.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So I don't know if that's the role.

Speaker 1:

Is that a save or?

Speaker 3:

It's a Whisper, a discordant melody that only one creature of your choice and range can hear, racking it with terrible pain. So I don't have to roll the hit On a failed save. It takes 3d6 psychic damage and must use immediately. Use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows away from you. The creature doesn't move into obviously dangerous ground like a fire pit.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to make a wisdom saving throw.

Speaker 3:

Wisdom saving, throw at DC 12, it says.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Yeah 11, 11. Okay, so what? What? What type of damage?

Speaker 3:

I get 3d6 psychic damage. Psychic damage 15 points of damage.

Speaker 1:

James, how would you like to do this?

Speaker 3:

Yes, Carg, having his arm ripped off, yells and all of a sudden he starts hearing this Melody in his head and it just drives him insane. But he hears my voice gently singing Never going to let you live, going to make you die. Your guy shot my dog and I won't forgive you.

Speaker 7:

He just had just explodes.

Speaker 4:

Yes, penny wishes he'd taken me up on the job offer.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Then I say and you could have been the omelette chef, I'm going to be the omelette chef.

Speaker 1:

There's only one thing really. What so? You've completely destroyed. You've completely destroyed Clark there. There's only one thing left for you guys to do, and that is find I pick all three of those items Halling, andrin and Sildar, what is the most?

Speaker 3:

as can we loot Clark?

Speaker 1:

I wanna see if Clark has anything.

Speaker 5:

I mean, do we wanna go through any of the stuff that's in the in this cave too, Because there's all sorts of provisions and stuff.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I think we.

Speaker 3:

I think you're gonna need supplies for your Airbnb.

Speaker 5:

I mean absolutely.

Speaker 3:

We do have a wagon. I just don't. I mean, how full is it?

Speaker 5:

And we gotta drag it back to the wagon.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you wanna hear what's? Yeah, what's here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the capture, what you've gotten is very bulky. You will need a wagon to transport most of it, because these are all the supplies that have been stolen from from other people traveling through the area. Okay, if you return the supplies to the Lion Shield Coaster in Fandaland, you'll each earn a reward of 50 gold pieces. Okay. In addition to the stolen provisions, Clark has a treasure chest, Can Do tell? Inside the treasure chest are 1700 copper pieces, 150 silver pieces, two potions of healing and a jade statuette of a frog with tiny golden orbs for eyes, worth approximately 40 gold pieces. The frog statuette is small enough you can fit it in a pocket or a pouch. It's not very large, but what was the frog worth 40 gold pieces? 40.

Speaker 5:

So are we splitting the coins evenly?

Speaker 6:

Yes, I had imagined you okay with that.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And who's taking the healing? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And who's taking the healing potions?

Speaker 6:

Should I have them on me, since I'm a healer?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

Now you're totally your choice. I can hold on one of the healing potions, since I attacked from range, so it's more conceivable that because I'm squishy, I'm squishy. That way, I can at least get to one of you and give you the potion.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I think that works. The copper would be 566 each, with two left.

Speaker 1:

Throw them into the waterfall as a wishing. Well, I'm going to go with the one, yeah there you go.

Speaker 3:

I say it's a reward for Vincent for employee the month.

Speaker 6:

Yes, we give him the two extra of the copper.

Speaker 1:

Oh, Vincent gets two copper pieces yeah, aw.

Speaker 3:

I would have got more, but he shot my dog.

Speaker 6:

Who should hold on to the statue?

Speaker 7:

You're never going to let that go, are you Never?

Speaker 3:

going to let it go.

Speaker 5:

I'm going to say one of you should hold the statue, and it's probably dalled, because I am 29 pounds and my pack is 12 and a half pounds already, so I feel like adding much more is going to.

Speaker 3:

Just the cover is right there, yeah, and I haven't got the strength.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's what I was thinking Really.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, two more coins and I'll just fall over. Actually, what is it?

Speaker 3:

Every, for every point of strength is your every point of strength. You can bench press 10 pounds.

Speaker 1:

Is that what it is?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so if you have an 18 strength, you can bench press 180 pounds.

Speaker 1:

Got it.

Speaker 4:

So, here I go with my 50 pounds.

Speaker 5:

Okay, I'm really tired.

Speaker 1:

I really yeah.

Speaker 5:

So I only have one hit point. Yeah, I got to do that. You're going to magic me. Yes, magic man.

Speaker 1:

Okay, go for it, you're doing great.

Speaker 6:

Oh, nice. Okay, so 14 healed, nice Awesome. Way to go.

Speaker 1:

That takes you right up to full strength, right? Yep, so you are healed, you are completely healed. Awesome, iguien, where are you at?

Speaker 3:

I'm down three points.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and now?

Speaker 6:

I'm good, you're full health.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Callie is down to. She's down nine points.

Speaker 6:

I don't know how many 37.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, wow, she's got a lot, yes.

Speaker 5:

That's a sturdy dire wolf, it is.

Speaker 1:

All right, so you're going to head to the last room, correct? Yes, okay, so you get you cross the bridge. Cross that suspended bridge, yep. You get over to the other room. So it's a large cave divided in half by a 10 foot height. Kind of Cliff, yes.

Speaker 3:

Before we go, I suggest we take Um Cards, um Clark's Morningstar Sure. Why not? Just because, if any of them recognize it on the way, we'll go look Under new management. That's all that. That's just that's my thought. Who's going to take it? I'm going to take it. I'm going to take it. I'm going to take it. I'm going to take it. I'm going to take it. I'm going to take it.

Speaker 6:

I'm going to take it.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to take it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Just that's my thought who's going to take it?

Speaker 5:

I can't lift it. Can you Strap it? Callie what I was going to say.

Speaker 1:

Just Cali, have something where we can just strap.

Speaker 3:

I would just say I'd say Cali, and yeah, she will fetch it like a stick. She will fetch it like a stick.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. Cali is just going to Walk around, like those dogs that like walk around with the toy. Yeah, I mean there's just Callie got a morning star.

Speaker 3:

Remember I found stick stick his life, kelly does. You can find the littlest twig and be like stick stick.

Speaker 1:

So there's a steep natural staircase leading from the lower portion to the upper ledge. The air is hazy with the smoke of a cooking fire and pungent from the smell of purely cured hides and unwashed goblin laundry. This is their goblin den, this is where they yeah, it's smells.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

However, you notice there's one person in this cave Roll for initiative. I'm okay, I'm screwing with you, sildar Howlwinter. Sildar Is chained up in this room, clearly having been tortured by the goblins.

Speaker 5:

Does anyone know him already or do we just like? Do we know he was traveling with? What's his name?

Speaker 1:

Gundren Gundren yes, you knew, I know Gundren.

Speaker 5:

Yes, but do you know Sildar by sight, or are we just?

Speaker 1:

You don't, okay, you don't, you just.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's just he. He was a warrior that they, that he met along the way. That's what his letter says.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so you know him as just a man tied up here, chained up, clearly tortured. What would you like to do?

Speaker 3:

I call his name. I'm sorry. Go ahead no go ahead. Sildar, sildar, howlwinter.

Speaker 1:

He's just, he's just barely, barely conscious and he kind of lets out a moan but doesn't, doesn't acknowledge, doesn't acknowledge hearing his name.

Speaker 6:

Should I? Is he like spare the dying type thing, or just really really?

Speaker 1:

Mostly dead. He's got, he's got a few hit points. He's not, he's not down to one or zero, he's got, he's got, a few hit points left. But he's just, he's just bouncing, kind of bouncing in and out of consciousness at this point. He's just, he's, he's. He's been roughed up pretty bad.

Speaker 5:

Okay, I'm going to reach into my pack and allow my water skin.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 5:

And try to give him a little bit of water to drink, because he looks like he's in rough shape.

Speaker 1:

That certainly helps. He kind of he kind of wait, kind of he kind of wakes up a little bit and his eyes start to, his swollen eyes start to open a little slowly and and and he, he sees you. He, he first just see shapes and kind of jumped, jumps back a little bit, thinking that it's the goblins again coming to torture him more.

Speaker 4:

It's okay friend, I'm just a rock gnome.

Speaker 1:

Who? Who friends? Who are you?

Speaker 3:

Zildar Gundren sent for us. We're a friend of Gundren's.

Speaker 1:

Gundren, where? Where is? Where is Gundren?

Speaker 3:

We're still looking for him. He mentioned you in his letter. Where did you see him last?

Speaker 1:

We were, we were. We were both brought to the cave. They tortured me for information. I wouldn't tell them anything they were, they were looking for. They were looking for a map and he just goes spider. Oh, come on, nope big nope.

Speaker 5:

No wait, spiders, the guy Spider is a guy that king girl paid to kidnap Gundren. And yeah, where's spider?

Speaker 4:

Really not a fan of spiders.

Speaker 3:

He doesn't know.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't know where spider is. All all he knows is that they were looking for a map. Can we look around and see if there's anything else in here that you know, like maybe Gundren, do an investigation, check.

Speaker 5:

I'm not sure, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Do an investigation check 19. You look around you, you, you investigate the entire, look on both levels of the cave there. There's no sign or anything of that that Gundren is, is or was here. Okay, what do we have now?

Speaker 5:

Like eight goblins traveling with us. You've got. Well, you've got Vincent.

Speaker 1:

You've got Michael Creed, oscar Toby and Nard dog. Yes, plus two wolves, plus two wolves Fluffy and bitsy Fluffy and bitsy Okay.

Speaker 5:

Listen, guys. Do you have any idea where Gundren would be?

Speaker 1:

Because we really we can't keep going without him at this point.

Speaker 4:

I mean we can, but it doesn't say anything, right? So Sildar or and the goblins?

Speaker 1:

confirm this, that Clark sent the map to To Craig Maw Castle, right, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so. Okay, so, so, so, so, so. There's no sildar right now. So yeah, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so. Tells you about him meeting Gundren in Neverwinter and that he agreed to help accompany him to Fandelen. Sildar is investigating the disappearance of somebody named Iarno Albrek. Iarno is a human wizard and also a member of the Lord's Alliance. With Sildar and he appeared Iarno had gone to Fandelen and disappeared shortly after he arrived in Fandelen.

Speaker 5:

So we're not terribly far from Cragmong Castle, right.

Speaker 6:

Are you looking at the map Leda?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

Well, each little square is five miles right.

Speaker 5:

So we're somewhere around.

Speaker 1:

That's five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five-ish miles away, in the midst of the Neverwinter Wood. But you don't know that, you don't know where it is. You've seen it on this map, but you don't know yet where it is.

Speaker 3:

So would.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 6:

Would Dao know the general area of where it would be, since she lives in the Neverwinter Woods and occasionally runs into travelers that pass by her home? Is that a reach?

Speaker 1:

Dao has heard the word Cragmong before, but nobody she knows has been there or knows where it is. But Dao has definitely heard that word mentioned in passing from other people she's encountered in the Neverwinter Wood. So Sildar also tells you that his intention is to continue on to Fandelen, since it's the nearest settlement nearby, and he's going to offer to pay you, pay the party fifty gold to escort him to Fandelen. He doesn't have the money on him, obviously, but he can arrange alone when he gets to Fandelen pretty quickly so he can get you paid pretty quickly once you get there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think we should go to Fandelen only because we already have the cart to deliver. So we have the cart to deliver and Goblin's to employ, goblin's to employ, and.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, I definitely think we should go there, because if we're going to any kind of fortification, it's bound to have more goblins than what we have now. But if we have to, you know, a group training exercise in the Neverwinter Woods with your new goblin hires. We're going on a company retreat.

Speaker 1:

Yes, team building exercises, team building Scale the wall. We're going to do some icebreakers. Trust falls. Two lies and a truth. Everybody think of something.

Speaker 3:

Oh my gosh Two truths and a lie.

Speaker 1:

Two truths and a lie. Two truths and a lie.

Speaker 3:

The stories I have about two truths and a lie, Literally this one training thing, this one training thing. They had somebody. I said two truths and a lie. And somebody said I'm wanted by Interpol. I stole a police car and then something else and guess what? I'm stealing the police car and being wanted by Interpol. With the two truths.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's incredible. Right, so you're all going to make it your way to Fandail. And next, so you have. So you've cleared the caves out. There's nothing left in there. So what would you like to do? You want to get everything back to the wagon, maybe? Where do you? I would highly recommend at this point, maybe setting up camp.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think we need a long rest.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

We need a shelter, and I don't think we want to sleep in a goblin laundry.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So we can go back where we've kind of right it will whack the oxen in the cart and kind of set up camp there.

Speaker 1:

Not a bad idea.

Speaker 3:

We have. We know it's in a sheltered area, at least.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And yeah, that's what I got.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay so so that's what we'll do. We'll get everything back to to that point. Are you taking the provisions out of the cave?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we're going to fit whatever we can in the yeah, okay. Take, take whatever we can and and stack it on the wagon and.

Speaker 1:

Because remember you get, let's see what was it.

Speaker 6:

You told us the valuables, not like the exact provision.

Speaker 1:

Well you would. You would earn 50 gold pieces if you brought the supplies back to Lion Shield Coaster.

Speaker 3:

And is that in Van Delen? That is in Van Delen, yes.

Speaker 1:

That's also in Van Delen. So you've got some. You've got some opportunities to make some make some money here Great. All right, so excellent. So, yeah, everybody, take a long rest and you will also get to the first level up of your character. Ooh, exciting. So take your characters to level two in preparation for our next meeting.

Speaker 3:

Now yes. My question is are we doing experience points, Are we doing milestones or?

Speaker 1:

We'll just do it as milestones, I think. I think it'll just be easier Because, to be honest, I left out a bunch of the goblins, because if you had to fight any more goblins you'd probably get killed. So there were many more goblins to be had in this place and that's why we'll just do it. So we'll do it as milestones and make life easier on everybody, but we're going to we're going to wrap up here and again, everybody check out the next month's session when we will get to the hopefully get to the town of Van Delen, provided Xanderos doesn't fall on any more pits. Xanderos is the pits. Wow, that was. That was mean. That was harsh. That was really bad. I'm sorry. I love Xanderos. We, we but mighty, I'm in trouble. All right, thank you everyone.