Mystery and Magic: A Comprehensive Guide to Building a Spellcaster in D&D

Ever wondered about the intriguing intricacies of creating a spellcaster from scratch in the mystical world of Dungeons and Dragons? Prepare to be captivated as we embark on a thrilling journey of character creation, shaping the destiny of our latest adventurer. We've crafted an exciting narrative for you, intertwining character development with our own thrilling campaign updates, including our perilous expedition to the temple in search of Varram the White.
We’ve got you covered if you've been toying with the idea of playing as a Spellcaster. Join us as we dissect the complexities of Warlocks, their unique features, and the moral dilemmas they often encounter. Glean insights from our personal experiences, and discover how this class can add an appealing depth to your character's storyline. We'll even toss in some discussions about choosing proficiencies, skills, patrons, and spells for a beginner Warlock!
There's nothing quite like the thrill of bringing a new D&D character to life, and we’re ready to share that magic with you. We’ll walk you through our process, showing you how we crafted the unique backstory of Iquium Arravius, our regular human warlock, right down to his frail physique and man bun. We’ll discuss his intriguing relationships with patrons, his chosen cantrips and spells, and how these decisions can shape your gameplay experience. So join us as we journey into the world of Dungeons and Dragons, armed with dice and imagination.
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Apple Music
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Welcome everyone back to Legends, loot, lore, pull up a chair, sit down as we create another character. Today we are creating a spellcaster and we are going to randomize much of it and talk through all the different options etc. So this will be an exciting opportunity to figure out how to build a spellcaster. We don't know what type of spellcaster or what race it's going to be yet, so we've got all sorts of adventures to choose from and we'll see where that goes. Are you excited, joe?
Speaker 2:I'm very excited. I was at the end of the last episode. I was unfortunate we didn't have enough time because I was in the zone. I was like, alright, let's keep doing it. I was almost jonesing it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is going to be a lot of fun. I love character creation. Once you start creating characters, you tend to just keep creating new ones which you never get to play.
Speaker 2:And the interesting thing is for me is I tend to DM a lot. So I have a lot of ideas for characters, but I intentionally do not create the character, because if I sit in there I'm going to angst over it even more. So I just kind of ignore them until I know I need to make a character for something.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I just can't stop. I'm like, ooh, what if I try this, what if I try that? So I build all sorts of characters based on comic book, characters based on other things I see in movies and books.
Speaker 2:You should share some of those with the Discord.
Speaker 1:Maybe I will. I've got like almost 40 different characters. Do you really Sitting in D&D Beyond?
Speaker 2:Yeah, that would be really cool. I would think you should share those with the Discord. That'll be part of the Discord content.
Speaker 1:Maybe I will. I'll post some character sheets up there. Like one or two a week or a month or something like that Rank of characters. Yeah, why not? Okay, maybe I will, so let's-.
Speaker 2:Everybody write in and request that he share his characters, please.
Speaker 1:That's right, thank you. Let's dive in. Let's do this. What will we have to talk about this week's D&D? Well, actually we advanced the storyline a little bit this week. We did. It was just great. Just a wee bit, so let's talk about it.
Speaker 2:So, basically, you guys finally were able to reach the location that Varnum the White had been running to, and when you got there, you guys were exploring the outliers of what looked to be a temple built inside a mountain. Nothing happened while you were exploring the outliers, but then you go inside the temple of the mountain and in the very first narrow chamber I thought this was a tomb, not a temple. Well, it's a mix, because it was originally a temple where this guy was Right.
Speaker 1:I can't think of his name with the thought of my head. And then when he Did Darius or whatever, or how would you pronounce it?
Speaker 2:And then when he died, it became his tomb as well.
Speaker 1:I thought there was a lot of other people buried in there. From the description you've given us, there's been a lot of bones and things in this. Were they all put in there after he died.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because these are-. This is an ancient tomb where people have died trying to adventure into, like you guys are doing that. So lower level people have died.
Speaker 1:I see, but I thought you said there were like Nitches and things like where people were buried in the wall.
Speaker 2:No, no. So that's what I was about to say In the very first room, that you walk into, there are stone statues and they all turn to look at you as you walked in and I believe it was you who got the only person who made the save, or was it Steve? I forget who it was. Somebody made the save and they were the no, it was Bill. It was Bill. Bill was the only one who made the save and it was said not to look into the darkness. And if you actually had turned and looked at one of these statues that had turned and looked at you, you I forget what it was. It was a wisdom save and there was some kind of penalty that lasted for like an hour and it was really good. And then Bill yeah, it was Bill, because I remember I text him what it was and he didn't think to say anything until you got until I read it the cowls over the statues' faces would create a darkness and the information he got basically said don't look into the darkness Interesting.
Speaker 1:So we got through that room.
Speaker 2:You got through that little bit of a trap, and then you get into the next room and there's a chimera on the ground in the tiles and it was fighting a mosaic a chimera mosaic Exactly. And as you walked into the room and crossed about to the halfway point, it came up all the tiles came out and basically attacked you. Now the interesting thing about this room is that is part of the adventure. But it was just the chimera, and if I just left you guys alone with the chimera it would have been done and over with in the snap of the fingers. So I came up with a little thing and I should have made them a little more powerful. Every time you hit the chimera and took five hit points away from it, part of the tiles broke off of it and started flying around and then as it flew around, it couldn't do anything in the current round, but at the next round it was part of the initiative order. All it had was one thing it immediately dove at a creature, usually the closest one, and attacked it, and it was a standard I think it was three hit points. It was unblockable. You couldn't stop it, there was no way. But it was only three hit points. I should have made that close at like seven and I should have made their armor class a little higher than what I did. But doing what I did, it was great. I mean, it was a little something special, it was something different. If I really wanted to amp up the difficulty, I should have done that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was fun. It was fun nonetheless.
Speaker 2:It was a good time killing another creature and for me it was like the first time that I was really completely experimenting with my own like that was the creature that was in the game and I was experimenting with like let's toughen this up, let's do this, let's do that. So for me it was a lot of fun because it was like hey, this is thematic.
Speaker 1:Absolutely Well, that's and that's what you've. If you're going to use the material, the books and things from Wizards of the Coast or from anyone that creates it, like if your party is stronger than if you've got a really strong party and the encounters are seeming to be too easy, you can definitely beef them up by making the character stronger, like making the enemy stronger or adding other enemies. I mean, there's all sorts of ways of kind of modifying the encounters to make it a little bit more interesting for the players instead of the killing a dragon in 18 seconds.
Speaker 2:Exactly. No, that's exactly what it is. Yeah, and one of the things that I can't really say this enough because I don't do it enough. I take some time. You don't have to read through the dungeon master's manual, but it helps if you browse through it, especially if you're coming up to something. You can try to flip through it. As the DM. You know I'm coming up to this type of situation. Let me just kind of flip through those pages and glaze through them and the monster manual. You don't even have to really look in the monster manual, just look in like a website that's got listed of them 5eToolscom is one of those comments and just look at some of the monsters. You'll get inspiration for whatever you're doing off of that. But you know it helps when you're trying to beef up an encounter or just create an encounter from scratch.
Speaker 1:Well again, that's one of the reasons why I like the encounter builder that D&D Beyond has.
Speaker 2:I'm going to have to check that out For DMs, yeah.
Speaker 1:Because you can throw the whole party into it and then you can see how kind of what the difficulty is of the enemies that you add to it to see how difficult of an encounter it's going to be for them to fight, so you can. Then you can see okay, well, this is going to be really easy, so I could add some more so you can beef up the difficulty that way and really build an encounter that's might be a little bit more challenging to your, your party, than an 18 second dragon kill. I don't know, I'm just going to bring that up, I know you were.
Speaker 2:That's okay, it was legit, it was 18 seconds, that's right. And everybody was all worried about it. I mean, it was like, no, come on, guys, I'm not doing these things for like the whole game. But what was? Also? When we first played minds of Vindalva four years ago yes, and we were going through that I wasn't I still knew what DMing myself, so I had no idea how to tweak the encounters you guys were blowing through at four characters, which is what was the the adventure was created for? Right, you are blowing through these encounters with like no difficulty whatsoever. And then I started just adding HP to guys. Just the simplest way to beef up an encounter is just add HP, and when I was doing that it was kind of like it made me start to realize something. But going through the tyranny of dragon saga has really made me realize. All of the D&D from Wizards of the Coast content seems to be under powerful underwhelming for the amount of characters that they intend to make. So if you're going to run an adventure based upon the D&D adventures books, I would say take a little time and beef up the combat Right. Even even just adding 30 hit points to something makes it a lot, much more difficult because it's surviving. Maybe give it a special power. Maybe, if it only has one attack, let it attack twice. Things like that vary up the whole thing, sure. And so you have somebody who's a rules lawyer and like they can attack twice, yes, and so I think that's why he said so, absolutely.
Speaker 1:That's that's what it is. That's why the DM is there, because he's the one that makes the rules. So yeah, and I've done that.
Speaker 2:I've done that a few times. I've taken standard situations and I've modified them on the fly, because something you guys have done have made me modify it on the fly. And yeah, is it visual, like raw rules as written? No, but that's the whole point of this game is to like make it fun, make it interesting. And if, as an adventurer, as a player, you can predict everything, who is the fun in that?
Speaker 1:Absolutely, and I think that's I think it's one of the one of the things that I love so much about D&D that it's not you're not railroading the characters through a, through a story. You know it can. It's dynamic, it can change. You can change it to be how however you want to be as difficult or as easy or as complex or as simple as as you want it to be. So there's so much flexibility with the game itself. That's why I think it just it lends itself to. It lends itself well to just different types of groups playing, playing the game.
Speaker 2:Different personalities, different concepts and people process plans and adventures differently. And when you get different DMs in there, you can run the same adventure and get up, get up and different, totally different about it. And then when you make a new character, like we're about to do, you can experiment as much as you want and do something crazy. Like we said last time, we never would have picked a rock gnome on our own, but hey, turned it up to be kind of fun?
Speaker 1:It certainly was, so let's do it Perfect segue Thank you, I built it that way. And it's time to build a character with Andrew and Joe. So we are back in D&D Beyond, on the character creation screen. We're going to start building using the standard method for for creating a character we get to. We're not going to pick a name yet because we don't. We don't know race or class yet. Right, we're not really going to change any of the things at the top here. We're going to you, we're going to let it use all the source books, but we're not going to. We're going to stick to really content that is pretty much found in the basic rules. So, that, no matter, no matter who's listening to this you can. You can start out in and build a basic character. We are going to enable digital dice rolling. We're not going to worry about the optional class features, because we're really just building a level, one character. At this point, I will change advancement type to XP, yep, Just cause, why not, why not? And we are going to change the hit point value to manual, like we did last time. We talked about this, so so remember. You want to explain that, joe, just briefly again. What the what the difference is between manual versus fixed.
Speaker 2:So the fixed is an average of what you would roll plus your constitution modifier gets added to your hit points every level, whereas with the manual you will roll whatever your hit dice is. I think for the um for the month that we had last time I believe it was a D eight you would roll the D eight and then add your modifier for your constitution modifier to that number. Now at level one there's no dice roll needed because you automatically get a maximum hit points of your hit dice plus your constitution modifier at that time, right, so that's not really an issue.
Speaker 1:Yes, Um, we are. We're not going to worry about the feats or multi-class requirements. We're not going to worry about much of this. We will use encumbrance. Again, we're talking about how much stuff your character can carry and how that, how that impacts it. We are going to ignore coin weight, um, so no matter how much, how many gold pieces, silver pieces, copper pieces you have, that's not going to impact how much you can you can carry in your pack, right? Um, we'll leave the modifier modifier on the top in the display and we're going to turn this to public. So so we can share it. We'll share the PDF of the um.
Speaker 2:The Rocknum. I have to. I have to finish the backstory, yeah.
Speaker 1:We're going to share the character sheets on uh on discord so you can. You can check them out there. But that's the. Those are just some of the, the preparation steps. On the on the preferences, let's really dive into, let's, let's choose a race. So we are going to again. I mean, I I've bought so much content, I've got a million different races in here. We are going to, let's see, go to basic rules and we have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Yes, so we will roll. What a D 10. We said.
Speaker 2:Take out the nine and take out the 10. And in this case we're going to take out eight, because Rocknum is listed as number eight on this list. So that leaves us Dragonborn, Dwarf, elf, health elf, half or halfling, human and tiefling.
Speaker 1:So eight and 10 are gone, right Cause eight for eight, the Rocknum 10 is nothing Correct, all right, and of course I roll an eight. Of course no more Rocknum, we already have one.
Speaker 2:If you roll eight again, we do it anyway.
Speaker 1:Oh, interesting Seven, which is human oh so this is really interesting.
Speaker 2:So the reason why humans are interesting and I think Andrew will agree with me is that, as a human, they are one of the most versatile races, if not the most versatile race, which actually allows you to, you know, maximize your capabilities for whatever class you end up picking.
Speaker 1:Yeah, humans, humans get a plus one to every ability score. Correct, that's what we talked about. So, um, so, I think it'll be really interesting. It's it's kind of I don't want to say they're bland.
Speaker 2:Well, that's the thing is like they're. They're bland because they just get the plus one. They have no individual flavor for the race, right, but that's because we are all humans and they never they intense intentionally did this so that everything else that you can pick Dragonborn, they all have distinct characteristics Right Now, like we said, you know, granted, you know it's it's kind of boring to, but when you get a plus one to literally everything, you've just added six ability points. Yeah, it was only half for the modifier, but six ability points before you even rolled the dice, and that's a massive boost.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I feel like. I feel like the human is the Ken of the Barbie world. His job is beach, like he's like, my job is beach. Like this is it's just like you've got astronaut Barbie, you've got Supreme court justice Barbie, you got all these other things and they got human Ken. Like I'm just, I'm just Ken.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but I see, I look at it, I don't know, I look at it differently. It's like I think you're right, it's the Ken doll, but you can literally put anything on it Now and it works Like so. So with a dwarf, yes, you can be a magical dwarf, but typically dwarves would be a better melee character, something using physical strength. It doesn't have to be, but that's what it typically is. Elves tend to have some type of music, magical or or you know, dexterity. You wouldn't normally make an elf being a fighter, but you can Right, the human allows, you can pick anything. Sure, it's like the universal versatility of anything. No, I'm not, I'm not knocking humans, you wouldn't. You were calling us boring and bland.
Speaker 1:Well, yes, but my, my very first character was a human wizard. So so there's that.
Speaker 2:So I don't know about that.
Speaker 1:I feel like there's, I feel like there's just so many other cool races out there Like things you can be, I agree. It's like I'm I'm already a human. Why do I still want to be a human?
Speaker 2:Like yeah, no, no, I agree, but it also depends on what you're trying to do. Obviously, there are certain settings out there where the DM will tell you no, you'll have to be a human. There's like two of them out there, I think. But other than that, I think the idea of picking a human just allows I'm not sure what I wanted to do with my character Right and and, and. You can play around with it.
Speaker 1:I. I think it's it's I'm trying the right word for it.
Speaker 2:I. I know your concept is right. I know you weren't the words you're using a little. You're not trying to be that negative about it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I know I don't want to be. I don't want, I don't want to, I don't want to like.
Speaker 2:He's insulting the human race.
Speaker 1:I, I'm not, I'm not insulting, he's all for these fantasy races.
Speaker 2:He just doesn't like humans, you know. So obviously we, like we said, the ability score increases. We get that automatically. So now we have, like what is that?
Speaker 1:30, 25, 30 languages, yeah, but but again, these are because I have all the other books.
Speaker 2:So so. So go back to the basic rules. You have that that tab open.
Speaker 1:Let's see if you have a tab open for say anything about. Let's see if we have anything on languages those are classes. Let's see personality and background languages.
Speaker 2:So is that one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. So roll a D 20.
Speaker 1:One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. So we'll call it a D 20.
Speaker 2:No, actually it's, it is 16, because comments already know that's true. Yeah so red, so anything 17 or higher, we we roll All right Right on All right. Let's Dwarvish Elvish giant, gnomish Goblin, halfling Orc, and then the exotic ones of Abyssal, Celestial, draconic, deep Speech, deep Speech, inferno, primordial, Sylveon and Undercommon All right, here we go, all right, here we go, all right.
Speaker 1:Well, I guess I are we saying Dwarf-ish is number one, dwarf-ish would be number one. So I, because I roll in that one.
Speaker 2:So so it's a, it's a human who knows common and Dwarf-ish, common and Dwarf-ish, which will be interesting too, because the the the plan is to use this with the adventure we hope to do a couple of episodes of, and if it knew gnome, it would be kind of like, all right, well, that would just be a duplicate then, because the gnome what language does?
Speaker 1:does she know? She knows another one, the gnome knows common.
Speaker 2:And what else though?
Speaker 1:I don't remember.
Speaker 2:I wonder if we should look that up and make sure it wasn't Dwarf-ish. Yeah, I think it was. Oh no, we did Elvish. Elvish yes, we did, yeah, okay, so this is good, so we have a nice little diversity in the languages.
Speaker 1:All right, so we have our human speaking Dwarf-ish. Only your gonna. It increases all ability scores by one. All right, let's go on to class.
Speaker 2:Now, I think this was a, this was a D12. So anything but a monk. So one, two three, four, five.
Speaker 1:Well, not anything but a monk.
Speaker 2:Oh, any magical creature.
Speaker 1:We're doing a spellcaster, so so we'll just roll it until we get a spellcaster, correct.
Speaker 2:Now, now, now hold on. We're doing pure spellcaster. Are we talking about the hybrids, too, that we're doing?
Speaker 1:Let's debate, let's debate. It doesn't have to be a let's see what the role is. Let's see what the role is. That's why I'm that's. I've got my fable D12. Just roll the dice or the die. That's a five, one, two, three, four, druid.
Speaker 2:One, two, three. No one, two, three, four, that's fighter, because we're not doing artificial.
Speaker 1:We're not doing artificial. So that's a re-roll, so that's a re-roll, so let's re-roll that.
Speaker 2:That's another five which I would have taken druid.
Speaker 1:How about? No way. Nine was what was nine.
Speaker 2:One, two, three A road. Well, no no road, that's not really magical enough.
Speaker 1:That's not really spellcast. We're really looking for really the last three there.
Speaker 2:I mean we could just roll a D6 and assign them Cleric. Well, just just take a D6 and you know.
Speaker 1:I'm, I'm, I'm determined, I'm determined.
Speaker 2:I'm determined to use the Fable 12.
Speaker 1:Like it does not want to roll. Roll high for me. Oh, we got an 11. That will be a warlock. Warlock is is fun. Yeah, I like a warlock, okay.
Speaker 2:A human warlock. I've never played a warlock. I've never really dealt with a warlock.
Speaker 1:Really.
Speaker 2:Mike was a warlock for a brief time in the 10 towns adventure, the Grime of the Frostmaiden but, and I actually helped him, like, create his character. But other than that I really haven't dealt with warlocks. I am currently playing. Cat was a warlock at one point, I think.
Speaker 1:Why's?
Speaker 2:she really yeah, cause she had oh, you know, it was a, she was a warlock in your game when the Strixhaven.
Speaker 1:Ah, Strixhaven Got it.
Speaker 2:I'm playing a tiefling warlock I saw, yeah, you told me yeah.
Speaker 1:You're Monday, it was Wednesday.
Speaker 2:Silas, silas, bloodbane. Yeah, I was playing a warlock. So with Mike we've we found one called the the Foundless or something like that. So he was his. His, his dwarf was a warlock who had this power from the deep, was a water thing and it helped him with his brewing of beer. Like he tied the whole thing together, made his beer better because he was brewing with the power of this water creature giving him powers. Interesting, it was interesting.
Speaker 1:Fascinating Warlock, Warlock, Dun dun dun. So let's talk a little, a little bit about the warlock. The warlock is a wielder of magic that is derived from a bargain with an extra planar entity, and I think it's very extra planar, extra extra planar, planar. I don't think it's planar.
Speaker 2:I think it's planar, I don't know. I don't know Tomato, tomato. So the interesting thing that I found so like when I first played, when I first started reading into D&D and all that stuff, I've always thought I have a warlock as an evil creature because you have an evil. But when you read the way that describes this extra planar doesn't necessarily mean evil, it just means somebody not from this plane. So some of the powers, some of the creatures that you make entities that you make deals with, they're not evil, they're just neutral, and I think there's one or two. They're actually good, but it's usually the pact that you make with them tends to be unbalanced, because as a warlock, if the DM wants to play it that way, they can force you to do things in the adventure or you lose your powers, because it would be like your pact of fiend or friend tells you do this and if you don't do that, they start taking your powers away. Right, which is a really deep way to play it as a DM. You need a lot of prep time to think about that, but it's kind of a cool concept.
Speaker 1:So here's where I'm going with my tiefling warlock Silas. So my patron, which is who gives you your powers, my patron is an undead Egyptian god, that's so I it's kind of it's almost like making a bargain with the devil, so to speak. I don't know that he is evil. He has not presented himself as such. He presented me with the ability to have all this power in exchange for helping him accomplish certain tasks. Moon night, no well, no, no, not. So it's weird. It kind of plays moon night. But so what's happening is this, this patron of mine. What's going to happen is he is trying to guide me to assemble an army of undead soldiers to rise up and take over, and that's his plan. His plan is to raise an undead army and take over the world. And what? What? What's going to happen to me is I'm going to have to decide, because I'm really the one controlling the undead army, I'm the one assembling this undead army. Am I going to choose to choose evil and give over this undead army to my patron to let him try to take over the world, or am I going to turn against him and use the undead army against him to defeat him, Literally?
Speaker 2:what I was just thinking.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so that's what, that's what I'm, that's what's going to happen at some point, knowing, knowing full well, that I will lose all my power because which could arguably be your power over the undead army. Well, well, I mean it depends, like I mean, at some point I've got to convince them to fight. Fight the patron.
Speaker 2:Does the undead army have like intelligence and like cognizance of who and what they are, or are they just drones?
Speaker 1:I don't know yet. I haven't gotten that far in the who, who, who?
Speaker 2:decided that this is what the your patron wants. Was this your idea? For the backstory?
Speaker 1:This is my idea for my character development Like this is this is where I want him to To come to this focal point to make this decision.
Speaker 2:Yes, correct. Is the DM doing anything to help focus that? Yeah, okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're. It's coming along quite nicely. So so I think the it's very early. It's very early, but-.
Speaker 2:I'm going to put an idea in your head you know, don't worry about the intelligence or whatever you have to in my head, and this is just me you have to put a subtle, you know order 66 into the minds, into the beings of these creatures so that when it's time to turn the army over to them, if you decide to reject him, you do like an exit, execute order 66, like the Palpatine did, and they all of a sudden turned back to you. Right, like that way they're hardwired for you, but they still are based upon the power that you had. But now you know it's interesting.
Speaker 1:Or maybe I find a second patron who will a good patron, who will help me overthrow the bad patron and use the undead army to overthrow the bad patron I mean-.
Speaker 2:Are you a neutral right now yourself, or are you evil?
Speaker 1:You're a no, I'm chaotic neutral, so I could you are neutral.
Speaker 2:So you're on that borderline of dark and light. Yeah, that's why.
Speaker 1:I have, I have, I have not. I am still in that neutral zone, so I could. I could go either good or evil.
Speaker 2:Watch out for the Romulans that might be cloaked.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, yeah, in the neutral zone, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it tends to happen. Are you being given, like philosophical and other situations to make decisions that are a good or evil, and by your DM, which would then like you would make the decision without them knowing, without you knowing, hey, this is good or evil. And then he would be like, all right, well, that makes him evil and that makes him evil. And then he could just tell you one day you've done enough shit that you're now evil, or you've done enough shit that you tipped over into the good side.
Speaker 1:Like I don't feel like it's gonna happen within the adventure.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:Like it's gonna like there's gonna be a decision point, there's gonna be a flash point where I have to choose either good or evil. It could be. It could be like a Kylo Ren who has been evil and then suddenly, like, decides to Reach through the forest, grab a lightsaber and kill Palpatine Right. Oh, okay.
Speaker 2:So it could be Completely unrealistic, got. It Could be something like that.
Speaker 1:I don't-.
Speaker 2:No, no, but what I'm saying is, like you know-.
Speaker 1:If I had to just pull something out of my head. Like you know, I don't know.
Speaker 2:I've never seen that movie so.
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 2:No, but what? Yeah, you ain't missing much. No, no, but like, what I was saying is, like you know, I hadn't. This just occurred to me. Like in developing a neutral character, it would be something that a DM could do to develop. It is keep track of how that character reacts to different circumstances and the more evil what'd you roll? The more evil that you do or the more evil-ish type of things you do. All of a sudden, one time he announces yeah, you're now an evil character because you've been tipping that way. And then you know it was your natural instincts, as you were playing, what to do.
Speaker 1:And then it's like oh, now you're evil.
Speaker 2:And then it'd be like you know, if he did that, forget it, there's no turning against him. And then, or if he did enough that were good, forget it. You're definitely gonna turn against him. You just gotta make a work, and if you don't, if you kind of go back and forth, you're on that straight and narrow narrow.
Speaker 1:Anyway We'll say it could go.
Speaker 2:So anyway, we're saying extra planar entity that you make a pact with you got a. D8 to start For your hit dice. For your hit dice, your primary ability is a charisma, so that's where all of your power is gonna derive from. That's when you're rolling to attack with there or you're throwing bonus damage or spell saves against you. And the reason being is your charisma is interaction with things and people, and how well you're interacting with your pact. Your patron is how well your power is.
Speaker 1:Yes and so at. So there's a couple of the things that happen at first level. This is where you get your otherworldly patron. So at first level, you have struck a bargain with an otherworldly being of your choice the fiend which is detailed at the end of the class description which we'll talk about, or one from another source. Your choice grants you features at first level, and at sixth, 10th and 14th levels there's also, yes, I was gonna say which at this point planned.
Speaker 2:I think we're only gonna go to second level with the gameplay as of this point. There's all we have planned, but we have to work on that. So, anyway, continue.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we're not gonna get up to sixth level or anything. No no, okay, so pact.
Speaker 2:Not unless people start donating specifically to actually hear those episodes. If people wanna start paying for that.
Speaker 1:We could do like a monthly episode of just playing these two characters for some time. It depends on how long Catherine wants to DM.
Speaker 2:Well, I was also thinking that you know my advice to her when she did the course of stride with us. It was that like hey, everything's laid out nice and simple, and that wasn't the case. Well, she'll see where I got that information from, because I'll give her the booklet Right.
Speaker 1:Anyway, pact magic, yes, pact magic. So your arcane research and the magic bestowed on you by your patron have given you facility with spells. There are all the spell rules for general rules of spell casting. You can look at your spell list. At level one, you know two cantrips. So cantrips do not require any spell slots or anything like that. So you can use them over and over and over again and you'll get more of these as you gain levels. You'll get more cantrips available.
Speaker 2:Spell slots Spell slots is basically the closest equivalent. The easiest equivalent would be mana. Every spell has a mana requirement of one, two or three and at a spell slot one it requires one mana. One spell slot and you get a certain number based upon your level. There is a chart in the instructions and the rules that let you know how many spell slots you get per how many level in the as you level up.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so it's. Warlocks are a little different than Well and it's interesting that we ended up with the Warlock, a typical spellcaster.
Speaker 2:Because Warlocks tend to have less spell slots yes Than everybody else. That being said, if you scroll down a little bit further, I believe as a Warlock, they actually get their spell slots back on a short rest as opposed to a long rest. Am I wrong about that, cause I know you're playing one, I believe, as a short rest. So the difference is most spellcasters you need to take an eight hour rest in order to get your spell slots back. Warlocks only have to do it on a short, can do it on a short rest, the difference being they have a lot less.
Speaker 1:Yeah, cause I'm playing like a ninth level Warlock and I've got like two spells. Like you got two per level, I can't. No, I've got like two spell slots, like that's it. That's it, like I can only cast spells twice. I mean I can do all my can trips, and then you got the invocations, though that's really the balancing out factor of the Warlock.
Speaker 2:Is they got the eldritch invocations, don't you? No, okay, see, this is my inexperience with Warlocks.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so let's go through this. So for a Warlock, yeah, the Warlock table shows how many spell slots you have to cast. Your Warlock spells are first through fifth level, whatever they are. The table also shows what the level of those slots is. All of your spell slots are the same level. Oh, that's what it is. So here's the thing. So I have upwards of fifth level spells or whatever, so they're all treated the same. So I can cast a first level spell, but it's a cast at a fifth level, it's not cast as a first level. So they're all super powerful spells, so whatever I cast is a really big spell.
Speaker 2:Right, right, but you have no first level spell slots. So on other spellcasters, specifically the sorcerer, the wizard, you would have and most notably on the sorcerer and the wizard, I shouldn't say only you will have a spell level one spell and you have a certain number of spell slots for them. Right, when you cast that spell, you have the option to cast it at a higher level, which you would use the higher level spell slot, Right? The difference being is you could also cast it in the lower level spell slot and still save the higher level ones for spells that are actually higher level. With the warlock, you're locked into whatever level spell slot you have. So if you have a level five spell slot or a level three spell slot, let's say, even if you cast a level one spell, you have no choice but to upcast it. Now, that usually means your damage dice is an extra two of that damage dice for each spell level that you go up.
Speaker 1:It's pretty crazy, Like the damage that I can do with those spells is insane. It multiplies yeah. Yeah, but I've got like two slots to use. So it's very you want to use them sparingly but you get a bunch of cantrips. As you level up, you get a bunch of cantrips. So there's a lot you can still do with a warlock and really level up those cantrips as well. That's really kind of what-. Level one is yeah, what level one is. So let's add that class to our character, bum-ba-da-bum-ba-da-bum. Now do we want to go back at this point and pick a name?
Speaker 2:Or do we want to finish the class? Let's finish the class setup.
Speaker 1:yeah, yeah, so let's finish the class setup. So there are a couple proficiencies we are allowed light armor.
Speaker 2:This is cloth and leather type of armor. Anything heavier would create disadvantage and encumbrance for us.
Speaker 1:So something light, simple weapons, yeah no tool, proficiencies Right and our saving throws again are wisdom and charisma.
Speaker 2:Now, wisdom and charisma are the two that they suggest that you have when you level, when you create this. Those are the two ability scores that they recommend, so we'll come back to that when we start doing the ability scores.
Speaker 1:Now the skills that we can choose from. We can choose two skills to have proficiency in from arcana, deception, history, intimidation, investigation, nature and religion. So there are six.
Speaker 2:When we can roll for this. Or do you want Seven, seven, seven, seven, and we could roll for this with the D8. Or do you want to kind of pick them out, like last time we were? I would know we did roll it for last time, did we? Yeah, because I was saying one, or I was saying athletics and I wrote a row.
Speaker 1:Right right right.
Speaker 2:And you said athletics and stealth Say aerobics, acrobatics. I'm sorry.
Speaker 1:Acrobatics. I did say aerobics. I said aerobics, your character's doing aerobics, jazzercise yeah, baby yeah.
Speaker 2:Lift those arms, ladies, that's oh geez. So roll the D8 and ignore the seven, all right.
Speaker 1:So hold on, put the options back up first. They're right here.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay Me under this concept. I would probably pick the Arcana, so would I, and I think I would either take nature or religion. It would depend on what patron I ended up with.
Speaker 1:Depends on what character, what kind of character, you want to be.
Speaker 2:Well, I know, I know If you're gonna be, if you're gonna be. Well, no, I'm talking about from a cold start, with absolutely no choices, nothing else being decided. Right, I would pick nature and religion, depending on where I would be going down after I picked my patron.
Speaker 1:Right. So I mean I would think you could, if you're gonna be anywhere between neutral and evil, deception and intimidation or some good ones, I think history is another good one, something to Kind of a neutral.
Speaker 2:We're going through this step by step. However, if you go through it and you like pick something at, you know when you're in the fourth or fifth step and you pick something, there's nothing that says you can't go back and change something. Let's say we went with nature, with Arkana and nature, and then we picked a patron and we're like you know what that doesn't really fit with that one. You're always welcome to go back and change it or use the differences to carry on the story concept Right.
Speaker 1:So let's roll for it and see what we. Let's roll it up, see what we got Perfect One.
Speaker 2:Arkana. Our agreement one Excellent. So we agreed on Arkana. So anything but a one or an eight. Or not yeah.
Speaker 1:Seven, which is religion. You're counting, yeah, religion.
Speaker 2:It is. That's a good one. It's a good one and, like we just said, we're going based upon the dice row, but if something comes up, we can always come back, and that's another thing. When you're choosing your background, you get additional proficiencies as part of your background. If you end up picking a background that you really like that has a duplicate proficiency, jump back to the class section and alter your proficiencies Right, there's nothing wrong with that. So here we go. Patron time.
Speaker 1:Now the fun part. Oh, so there are all sorts of options. Well, let's go back to the basic rules.
Speaker 2:Yes, let's definitely go back to the basic rules and make sure we're, because I think there's only three in the basic rules.
Speaker 1:Let's see Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Speaker 2:I think you got to keep going.
Speaker 1:I was like no, because it was otherworldly patron, so at first level. So yeah, so you get to choose your otherworldly patron At the first level. You've struck a bargain with an otherworldly patron patron of your choice the Archfey, the Fiend or the great old one. Ok, we're going to do this on a topic that you've been talking about.
Speaker 2:Ok, we're going to do this on a dice roll, but off the top of your head.
Speaker 1:Which one did you pick? Oh, you picked the red.
Speaker 2:I picked the undead, you picked the undead. Ok, so off the top of your head, which one would you pick of?
Speaker 1:these three? Wow, that's a good question. Where is I'm looking for the descriptions of them, thought?
Speaker 2:I'd set it was at the end of this here we go.
Speaker 1:Otherworldly patrons the Fiend. Is that the only one they have?
Speaker 2:That's where there's only one that they listed.
Speaker 1:So interesting so.
Speaker 2:Well, go back to the selection screen and we can click on one and it'll give us the description.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so we're going to look at. We said what the Fiend? The Archfey, the Archfey.
Speaker 2:Down a little bit.
Speaker 1:And the great old one, ok, archfey.
Speaker 2:Oh, it doesn't give us a description.
Speaker 1:Well, it gives you a couple things, so at Well it doesn't really matter. If we're going to roll it, we're going to roll it, so let's figure out what order. Archfey Fiend, great old one, so we'll roll a D4. Yep, ignore the four. One through three.
Speaker 2:Yes, I'm thinking the great old one.
Speaker 1:I'm hoping for the Fiend. It is the great old one. And I'm on point today, yeah, you are, let's take a look. So let's go to the great old one. So this gives us a couple extra things. So this gives us an expanded spell list. So the great old one lets you choose from an expanded list of spells. When you learn a warlock spell, the following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you. So At first, at spell level one, which is where we'll start, off. They add on these spells of dissonant whispers and Tasha's hideous laughter.
Speaker 2:Now the idea of this is that you get two spells automatically based upon you have the pack. You got to pack with the great old one, and you will be able to pick one or two or three spells later on for when you, when we, do our magic action. So this is just like a little quote on a bonus based upon what patron you did.
Speaker 1:I read that differently. I read that these are just additional spells that you can pick from.
Speaker 2:I thought these were ones. Choose from an expanded spell when you learn the following. So no, you're right. You're right.
Speaker 1:You can add dissonant whispers and Tasha's hideous laughter, in addition to the standard set of warlock spells that you can choose at at spell level one, the other thing you get at level one is what is called awakened mind. Starting at first level, your alien knowledge gives you the ability to touch the minds of other creatures. You can telepathically speak to any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.
Speaker 2:Fascinating. It has to be able to speak, or have the capability of spoken language or understanding language.
Speaker 1:It doesn't have to be able to speak, it Just understand it.
Speaker 2:Which, if you think about it from a very basic concept, most pets understand language, especially like a dog, where you can give commands. So arguably and here's something else you can kind of create and play with arguably you can say a dog would be able to understand it so you can use your awakened mind to speak to it telepathically. But somebody else could say, well, they don't really know what you're saying, they just have learned responses to what certain sounds say.
Speaker 1:But do not dogs have their own language, like they talk to each other? I don't think they have a language.
Speaker 2:They have vocalization, but I don't have a language, you sure Do? We know that they're not communicating idea. They're not communicating. How do?
Speaker 1:we know, maybe they are communicating ideas, maybe they're just plotting and scheming against humans. No, no, no, no, no. There's going to be an uprising of the dogs. That's dolphins?
Speaker 2:No, I'm not saying it's dogs. Dolphins actually have a higher intelligence score than dogs.
Speaker 1:I don't know. I think it's dogs. I mean, there's definitely some dumb dogs. Actually it's just squirrels. Oh, the squirrels. Don't get me started on the squirrels Anyway moving on, so telepath, this is a great skill to have this is amazing. You can basically speak with anyone telepathically. Within that, you can see within 30 feet of you and think about it.
Speaker 2:The person doesn't know you're trying to do with it, do it. Trying to do it, you can really fuck with somebody's mind.
Speaker 1:You can, you can. That would. That would be a little, a little weird to have somebody speaking to you in your mind.
Speaker 2:This is like the ultimate distraction.
Speaker 1:That could be there. That's an interesting way of doing it, Thinking about it. I like that. I like to interact with them, like.
Speaker 2:I'm so nervous about it. I think that's a great way to interact with people. I think that's a great way to interact with them. You know, I think that's a great way to interact with somebody Like hey, telling you to do this, and you're like, what's voices in my head?
Speaker 1:And if they try to tell anybody, people are going to think they're crazy. Right, that's a great way to play it, okay, all right. So we, we, we've got all of our we. We're not even done yet, cause that's all the class features. We've got to pick spells.
Speaker 2:That's right. No, no, no, no no. We said after we finished the class features.
Speaker 1:We're going to go do part of the class.
Speaker 2:This is all on the same page. So we know, oh, don't we have to, don't we have, don't we have. Can you go back to the basic rules for the for the Do? They only know two spells.
Speaker 1:They get two cantrips and two known spells but that doesn't go up with the stats.
Speaker 2:That's that's what I'm trying to remember. So, like on the wizard and stuff like that, it's your modifier that makes your spell list, the number of spells that you know, go up.
Speaker 1:No, it's, that's just based on based on the chart and the chart goes up, okay. Yeah, so. So let's take a look at cantrips. We got. We got a bunch of cantrips in here. I don't know.
Speaker 2:Can we, can we? Can we go back to the basic rules and trim them down to? Is there even a spell list in the basic rules?
Speaker 1:Let's go to packed magic spell casting C, chapter 10 for general rules of spell casting, chapter 11 for the warlock spell list. So the warlock spells are cantrips are chill, touch, eldritch, blast, mage hand, minor illusion, poison spray, prestidigitation and true strike.
Speaker 2:I've never liked the idea of true strike, not for a warlock.
Speaker 1:I'm telling you, eldritch blast is where it's at.
Speaker 2:Everybody says that it's overpowered. Especially for a first level character, it's overpowered.
Speaker 1:Amazing Because right now I don't, I don't, I'm going to disagree with that that it's overpowered One D 10. One D 10 plus your modifier.
Speaker 2:But one D 10 is very powerful for a level one character. I suppose, it's one D 10 and if you, and if you, if you boost out your, your charisma, and you put up at least a three modifier, two or three modifier, that's a possibility of 13 hit points on level one, when, when you really don't only fighting creatures that have like four or five hit points, yeah well, that's very powerful, yeah, and what?
Speaker 1:and what I like is you get two beams. Oh, is that right? So the beam, it's a beam of crackling energy that that streaks across, and the range is really decent too it's 120, 120 feet. When you reach level five, a level five character, you get a second beam. Or third being me, second beam I love.
Speaker 2:I think you said the whole thing was two beams Okay no, no, no.
Speaker 1:So it's a single beam at first level. When you hit level five, you get a second beam. So, as it could be, it's one D 10, one D 10 potentially. But you have to roll an attack roll for each, for each beam, yep. So it's not one attack roll and and all beams hit. So that's, that's one thing to be aware. But I am, I'm a big fan of of Eldritch Blast. I would make sense. I would say let's pick that one you want to pick it you want to roll it, I'm going to pick it. You want to pick it, I'm going to pick it. All right, pick it and I'll tell you. Like the other, like the other one I I picked initially was Mage Hand. I mean because you can. You can do a lot of other attack, attack spells as a cantrip, but if you get Eldritch Blast again, like you said, it's what?
Speaker 2:do you?
Speaker 1:need else, for what else do you need?
Speaker 2:as far as an attack spell is concerned, I mean true strike, but it's a concentration True strike is worthless for an an, an out, for for a warlock, because all it does is give you an extra advantage on that next attack. Right, and it doesn't have to be a melee attack. No, it's not a melee attack.
Speaker 1:It's not a melee attack.
Speaker 2:So, but the range is 30 feet and it's like, well, okay, anybody can come in here and whack me one, and there goes my concentration and I literally wasted an entire round doing nothing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, what are, what are the other?
Speaker 2:So Chill Touch, Eldritch Blast, mage Hand, minor Illusion, poison Spray, prestidigitation and True Strike, true Strike. So Chill Touch is kind of cool. It's like a latch. Well, here's. Here's the difference. Then. Here's the only real difference. Eldritch Blast is a ranged attack spell. Uh huh, if somebody comes up right on you, you can't cast the cantrip. A ranged spell, well, you can, but you set disadvantage, right. So Chill Touch, which is the one you're looking at right now, right, that's a melee attack spell.
Speaker 1:Yes, that's a good point. So it's or Chill Touch is arranged.
Speaker 2:Oh, you know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking something else. I thought I thought Chill Touch was that. No, I'm thinking something else. Then there's another one that you had when you were playing Fianc.
Speaker 1:I don't remember what it was. I thought it was Chill Touch. No, so that's that's probably like I said. That's why I would do something like Mage Hand, which is more of a utility. It's not something you're going to use in combat, but it's a great utility spell. Go back to the list a second. Yeah, chill Touch, eldritch Blast Mage Hand.
Speaker 2:Minor Illusion is is decent, but I don't think most people would use Minor Illusion to the fullest extent. I think you would want to be more of a roleplay person than a a whack-a-mo person. For for Minor Illusion, poison Spray is another option. I think Poison Spray has multiple streams.
Speaker 1:Poison Spray. So 10 foot range. So it's a close, close range spell. But you extend your hand toward a creature you can see within range, project a puff of noxious gas from your palm. Oh okay, they've got a it's or it's 1d12.
Speaker 2:But it's but. But but it's range is the limitation factor. Yeah so you're waiting for somebody to get it in close.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So here and here's another thing right it's, it's. It depends on who you're facing, right. Are you facing like big, tough, burly men? You don't want to go against somebody with a Constitution Spaving Throw, because if they're big, tough fighters they're probably going to have a high Constitution. Right Now the Eldritch Blast is just a straight up hit or miss. Here we're dealing with the idea of saving throws Right, and in my experience saving throws tend to do more damage but they harder to make stick Right.
Speaker 1:And, like you say, it all depends on what, who you're facing up against. Like this is this is a great entry level spell, but when you get up against something, something bigger, yeah they're gonna. They're gonna have a high Constitution and and you're gonna have a hard time.
Speaker 2:I, I. I think going with Mage Hand's a good idea, because Prestidigitation is not really something I mean. I would say we Prestidigitation, it's kind of a fun spell, it's right beneath it yeah.
Speaker 1:But again it's like I mean a minor a minor magical trick that novice spellcasters use for practice. Ooh, sounds so exciting. Even the description is the on that one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like, I like the concept of it, but for what we're trying to do, I don't think this is good. I think Mage Hand's a good choice.
Speaker 1:Again, this always brings me back to Simon the.
Speaker 2:So so, sorcerer in in the movie Look it's fresh cut grass.
Speaker 1:Can you smell it? And it's like that's that's minor illusion. What's the point of that? That's Prestidigitation.
Speaker 2:It's not. What's the point of that? It really is nothing. It's literally like something to throw people off your trail.
Speaker 1:Exactly, it's just go ahead.
Speaker 2:Go go with the Mage Hand. Thanks.
Speaker 1:Joe, I will.
Speaker 2:I. I got my role, so that's right. I'll give you the choice.
Speaker 1:So let's talk about we're gonna, we're gonna spend all day on. I'm just talking about spells. Well, this is another few here, so Charm person. Charm person Comprehend languages.
Speaker 2:Expeditious retreat. I don't think I've ever seen anybody choose before and I love the concept of it Interesting.
Speaker 1:Hellish rebuke. Very cool Lusury script Protection from evil on good, which is a good one, unseen servant. But then we also have what were the other ones that it was Discending? Whips, whispers, yeah, click on that one. That's one of the ones that it was adding Right, wasn't that?
Speaker 2:one of the ones that, yeah, this is 3d6 psychic damage. It was dissonant whispers.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And then I'll I'll know it. I think when I see it Hittiest laughter. It was Tasha's.
Speaker 1:His laughter was a couple more down there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this is a very. This one could be kind of fun. This one's kind of interesting. It's a wisdom saving throw, and if they fail, they actually double over with laughter. However, I think it says you have to have a minimum of an, a four intelligence in order for this to work, right? If the creature only has two intelligence, this is fails, right. I love that stipulation.
Speaker 1:And it's an interesting, like extra quirk to the quirk to the spell, absolutely All right. So let's do this, why don't we? Let's roll.
Speaker 2:Let's roll for these One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven. Is that eight? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. So we'll add the other two, nine, so roll a 10.
Speaker 1:All right, roll a D 10. And let's see what we roll a D six. Roll a D six. No, that's a song I figured coming from you, 10.
Speaker 2:Roll.
Speaker 1:Eight.
Speaker 2:That will lead us to go back to the.
Speaker 1:There's a unseen servant Two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Speaker 2:Seven would be. Either would be X, that would be distant, and whispers, whisper, discordant melody that only one creature of your choice within range can hear. Ranges 60 feet. The target must make a wisdom saving. Throw on a failed save takes 3d6 psychics damage and use its reaction to move as far away from you as possible. The creature doesn't move into obvious danger ground like I, can't run itself off a cliff or into a fire or a pit. On a successful save it just takes half as much damage and doesn't have to move. The deafened creature automatically succeeds on the save. So the idea is you can still do the some of the damage, but it wouldn't be as bad because it would only hear the whispers. It wouldn't hear the whispers, it would just say, okay, so distant whispers. So we need another roll, anything but an eight or a nine. I mean eight or 10. Sorry, right, another eight.
Speaker 1:Snatching man and another 10.
Speaker 2:Fee.
Speaker 1:And another 10. Okay, and a seven. Well, that one gives us the unseen servant.
Speaker 2:unseen servant, joe, tell them what they've won. You have won a range of 60 spell that creates an invisible, mindless, shapeless medium force that perform simple task If you command until the spell ends. The spell is going to be simple task If you command until the spell ends. The duration of the spell is one hour. The servant springs into existence on an unoccupied space of the ground within range and has 10 AC, takes 11 to hit, 10 to hit One hit point so it's got really nothing and a strength of two it can attack and it drops to you. It drops to zero hit points if the spell ends. So this is a um, a spell that goes for more than an hour. It just basically dies On each of your turns. As a bonus action, you can mentally command the servant to move up to 15 feet to interact with an object. The servant can perform simple tasks that a human servant could do, such as fetching things, cleaning, mending, folding clothes, light, lighting fires, serving food and pouring wine. Once you give the command to, servant performs the task to the best of its ability until it completes the task. Then waits for you your next command. If you command the servant to prepare a task that wouldn't move it more than 60 feet away, the spell ends. So the interesting thing about something like this is like if you're in a place where you need to reach a lever and you can't reach it and it's within 60 feet, you cast your unseen servant boom or you can use it as a diversion. I mean like there's there's ideas, there's concepts here.
Speaker 1:There's just so many fascinating things you could do with this really Like. This is a great one, great one for role playing Again.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah there's a and that's something else that we keep coming back to is that you can play this game multiple different ways. You can do it however you want. You can be heavy into action and I'm just going to smash this wall to get out of the way. Or like, hey, I'm going to send my unseen servant around the corner to see if it and I think it's interesting here it doesn't say that it has to stay in visual contact with you. You can move it around a corner even if you're not there, right?
Speaker 1:Yes, it does not. It does not mention that. So, yeah, you don't have to, right, you don't have to be able to see it for the spell to. It's not like a concentration spell where you have to be able to like see the thing happening. That's really cool. All right, Excellent, All right. So we've got our two. We've got two first level spells and we've got. So we've got our can. Let's start with our cantors. We have Eldritch Blast and Mage Hand, and Dissonant Whispers is a first level spell, and Unseen Servant is our second first level spell. So now we've gotten through all the major major parts of this. Now we're going to go back and name our person, give our character.
Speaker 2:Well, first we got to do gender male or female, because that's the only options we can choose.
Speaker 1:All right, so we'll do. I think we did a D6 last time. Odds and Evens that's correct Say Odds are male. Sure yeah, Since it's a male odd.
Speaker 2:Um, I was going to say odd that the extra besides the even. It is odd. Well, that works out for the dichotomy, because the uh, our rock known was female. Yes, so we need a male human name. Well, hold on, go back, go back to, let's see what D&D's got here. Hell Moved, daywoods. I kind of like that one. Giovanni Forsword, yeah, I like. Hell Moved, I like.
Speaker 1:Hell Moved, but let's see what the.
Speaker 2:Let's hope. I don't like any of the names.
Speaker 1:Okay, let's go to the fantasy name generator. All right, so we've got to do. What are we doing? We don't have hmm, what are we? What are we going to choose, joe, there's no magic user, we'll go with magic user names. There's no warlock? There's no warlock, all right. So we're going to choose magic user names and let's say what do you want?
Speaker 2:Well, change it to male right when? Oh, there was one on the rock, no one.
Speaker 1:Right here.
Speaker 2:Okay, get more names. These are, these are. These are like names of types of.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is no fun Wizard, let's try wizard names. It's close enough. Wizard, oh, xeric XR. Oh, here we go, now we're going to do magic.
Speaker 2:There it is. Uh of that list, I'm really feeling Ophius and a Herod. Well, how many do we have here?
Speaker 1:One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Let's have a wee roll of D10 and Equium, number five, equium Hold on.
Speaker 2:Roll it again and we'll use the other one as the last name, or should we roll a new set? That'll work too.
Speaker 1:Let's go let's go neutral names Equium, equium, equium Arabia's. I like that. That's good. Hang on. Now I gotta remember how to spell all this, all right.
Speaker 2:Equium Arabia's. So we have our name Equium Arabia's. Now we're going to go to the ability scores yes, ability score and we're going to do the generation method of rolling the dice.
Speaker 1:Yes, let's roll it up. Oh boy, here we go. Let's say that's it.
Speaker 2:This is a Leroy Jenkins type of time.
Speaker 1:No, it's not a Leroy Jenkins type of time. I like that sound.
Speaker 2:That was a great sound 11. That's not that great.
Speaker 1:Well, even worse, another 11.
Speaker 2:The average Joe here, 13. Oh, there we go, there's a 14. Okay, a 14. So these are looking up a little bit.
Speaker 1:No, no, maybe not.
Speaker 2:Four.
Speaker 1:Four, holy crap. Obviously, charisma's got to be the 14., of course. So charisma 14. I think wisdom has to be the 13.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Because those are the two big, big scores. I don't think, I don't think.
Speaker 2:Can we put the strength as a four, Four and like, think of this as what's his name from the Dragon Lance Chronicles, the twin? I can't think of his name now. Oh, I don't remember. You know what I'm talking about.
Speaker 1:I know exactly. He was always sickly.
Speaker 2:His barbarian brother was always taking care, Like maybe this is a little more extreme, but I'm thinking this for that.
Speaker 1:You want to make the strength four.
Speaker 2:Yeah, okay, I mean he's really not going to be able to do anything strength-wise Like ever. But like hey, look, man, you made a pact and this was and here we can build. Like hey, no guys, here we go Talking about backstories again. His part of his pact was you will lose your strength. You will have my power, but you will lose your strength.
Speaker 1:He is feeble, physically, physically, but eventually we'll be very Powerful, powerful magically speaking. What do we want the nine to be? Intelligence, definitely not dexterity or constitution.
Speaker 2:No, yeah, intelligence Because the decks, and that yeah.
Speaker 1:And then we'll make the 11. And remember we got plus ones to all of these.
Speaker 2:So so that, yeah, that's good, that's good yeah.
Speaker 1:So that would definitely help with these two 11s.
Speaker 2:Well, they're still going to be only plus ones anyway.
Speaker 1:Well, that'll put them up to 12. So that'll bump them up.
Speaker 2:Well, still be plus ones, though, right? No, but what I'm saying is they would have been a zero, absolutely no, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So that is nothing All right, so we're going to do so. The scores that we rolled initially were 14, 13, two 11s, a nine and a four. So we have because Charisma and Wisdom. Charisma is the primary ability for a Warlock, so we gave that a 14. Wisdom, we gave the 13 because that's the saving throw. That's another, another big one for Warlocks, so we gave that the 13. We've put in dexterity and constitution and, again, we've always talked about those being kind of middle, middle scores, so we gave those both 11s, yep Intelligence, which is a nine. Remember, we get a plus one to all these abilities because of the human, so that nine will become a 10. So at least it'll be a zero, it'll it won't be a negative one on the modifier.
Speaker 2:It'll get something there, yeah.
Speaker 1:And the four we just put strength because we're going to write it into the backstory that this is just a he's.
Speaker 2:He's lost. This is the crappy deal he made.
Speaker 1:He, he. He was drained of all of his strength in order to get the power of, of magic as a, as a Warlock from his patron of the great old one. So we are going to apply those ability scores.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:Wow, a minus three for strength. Yikes, that's really bad.
Speaker 2:That's going to be a very interesting.
Speaker 1:That's really bad.
Speaker 2:You know what I like it? I like it because we are almost definitely, as two characters, not going to be overpowered for any of these combat encounters.
Speaker 1:Right, yeah, for sure.
Speaker 2:So be fun?
Speaker 1:I think so, I think it's going to be a lot of fun. And that's again. This is. This is part of the randomness that happens, so so you, you get to, you get to craft a really fun story about a character that's got very little strength. Why did they have very little strength? So we will. We will find out Tune in next time, for that's right.
Speaker 2:All right, so now we've got so we got to pick the extra language.
Speaker 1:No, I get to pick a language.
Speaker 2:Why don't we get? We got the doors, we picked Warfish language backgrounds.
Speaker 1:Now the backgrounds let's go back to. Uh, let's see when is it.
Speaker 2:I think it's back back forward one more. Oh no, there it is.
Speaker 1:Backgrounds.
Speaker 2:One, two, three, four, five, six acolyte criminal, folk hero, noble, sage and soldier.
Speaker 1:All right. So six Yep, All right. So we're going to pick what is our. I remember you don't have to randomize this, we're just doing that for our purposes for the fun of it. So you can. You can absolutely just pick which which background you want to do, but we're going to roll for background. Get a one, no, Okay. This will be interesting because I'm curious how this is going to play out. A three, a folk hero.
Speaker 2:You want to know where my mind's going, do I? So what's actually happening is this great old one was afflicting his village for one reason or another and maybe, maybe he did something wrong as a child or in his youth that offended the great old one, who then decided to punish his entire village. And then he stepped up and said no, punish me. So he said fine, I'm going to punish you, I'm going to create a pact with you and instead of just taking some of your strength, I'm going to take a lot of your strength as part of your punishment. And then the town recognized him as a folk hero because he saved them by sacrificing himself. But now he's left the town because he still has a little negative stigma attached to him, to go out and make his fortune in the world. However, he can.
Speaker 1:Works for me. Why not so? So the description they give for the folk hero is you come from a humble social rank, but you are destined for so much more. Already, the people of your home village regard you as their champion, and your destiny calls you to stand against the tyrants and monsters that threaten the common folk everywhere, kind of fits in with that. Yes, your skill proficiencies as a folk hero are with animal handling and survival, which we don't currently have, and that'll be another good one. Survival, yeah, tool proficiency vehicles.
Speaker 2:What you already have, what yeah?
Speaker 1:So you can.
Speaker 2:you can use like wagons and stuff.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Now we got to. We got to pick a, an art, we got to pick a tool set, artisans tools, so so what makes sense as a person who lives in a quote unquote random village.
Speaker 2:I don't paint your supplies I. What if he was like artistic at one point?
Speaker 1:Well, if he if he doesn't have any strength, I would. I would say things like Smith's tools would would, would not fit for someone that's got a agreed of four for strength. Maybe something like Jewelers, tools, something, something that that takes just precision. Maybe he's a cook. What about a cook? What about a cook? Could they be a cook?
Speaker 2:Yes, and what happened was the great old one. They had a garden dedicated to him and for some reason he was out of supplies or something like that. He went and pulled things from the garden of the great old one, which offended them and yeah, yeah, yeah cook.
Speaker 1:I like that. Right on the background features rustic hospitality.
Speaker 2:You come from the common folk and you feel fit in with them, among some. With ease, you can hide, rest or recuperate with other commoners, unless you have shown yourself to be a danger. They will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their lives for you. So it's like hey, I will help you until you, my life is risked. Right, oh, characteristics, oh, I love these.
Speaker 1:Personality traits. So we're going to we're going to choose two of these, so we got two D eights to roll.
Speaker 2:I judge people by their actions, not their words. If someone is in trouble, I'm always ready to lend help. When I set my mind to something, I follow through, no matter what gets in my way. I have a strong sense of fair play and always try to find the most equitable solution to arguments. I am confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others. Thinking is for other people. I prefer action. I misuse long words with in the attempt to sound smarter. I get bored easily when I when I am going to get on? When am I going to get on with my destiny?
Speaker 1:Excellent. So we rolled a three, which is when I set my mind to something I follow through no matter what gets in my way. Like it, that'll be fun.
Speaker 2:I already building that into the backstory.
Speaker 1:Fabulous and number eight. I get bored easily. When am I going to get on with my destiny?
Speaker 2:The people of his town didn't want him to sacrifice himself, but he followed through with it anyway. And then the great old one said you know, you will be able to reach great depths, great powers, but you have to wait. And he was sitting there. When am I going to get these powers? So ideals, yes, ideals. Respect people. People. Respect People. Despise Joe talking. Take two. Take two. People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Good alignment, fairness. No one should be get preferential treatment before the law and no one is above the law. It's a lawful mentality. Freedom Tyrants must not be allowed to oppress the people. Chaotic might. If I become strong, I can take what I want, what I deserve. Evil sincerity there is no good in pretending to be something I'm not. That's neutral and destiny. Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling and I can go against any personality trait, any.
Speaker 1:I really, I really have the urge to sing George Michael right now. Freedom, freedom. Tyrants must not be allowed to oppress the people. It's interesting, good stuff, good stuff, bonds, james bonds, multiple months.
Speaker 2:I have a family, but I have no idea where they are. One day I hope to see them again. I worked the land, I love the land and I will protect the land. A proud noble once gave me a horrible beating and I will take my revenge on any bully that I encounter. My tools are symbols of my past to life and I carry them so that I will never forget my roots. I protect those who cannot protect themselves. And finally, I wish my childhood sweetheart had come with me to pursue my destiny.
Speaker 1:To which is I worked the land, I love the land and I will protect the land.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this is. This is this is really fitting in nicely with the whole cooking chef thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, damn environmentalists. I'm just kidding.
Speaker 2:There's nothing wrong with using the land, just don't abuse the thing.
Speaker 1:I feel a crying American Indian.
Speaker 2:Actually, I have another way of going with it, but that works too All right. So now the flaws Flaws. The tyrant who rules my land will stop at nothing to see me killed. I am convinced the significance of my destiny and blind to my shortcomings and the risk of failure. The people who know me when I was young know my shameful secret. So I can never go home again. That would fit in perfectly. That's a good one. I have weakness for the vices of the city, especially hard drink. Secretly, I believe that things would be better if I were a tyrant lording over the land. Many people have that one. I have trouble trusting in my allies. That'd be a very interesting role playing concept indeed. Here, take this potion. I don't know who you are. I'm not that taking potion from you.
Speaker 1:Okay, so number four I have a weakness for the vices of the city, especially hard drink.
Speaker 2:This could be very hard drinking warlock.
Speaker 1:I would love to see a drunk warlock casting. Here's a question for you If this is a drunk warlock, do they cast spells at disadvantage?
Speaker 2:If he was currently drunk, I would say yeah, if he was drunk, he might be drunk.
Speaker 1:pretty often, however, you got to think about this.
Speaker 2:He might be drunk pretty often, but I would say I would interpret this as, while he has the vices of the city, especially the hard drink, he probably can't get that very easily out in the wild.
Speaker 1:So unless he's in town, unless he's in a town or a city he's probably pretty sober or at the very least hungover. So I would say that what do you think? He's buying containers of alcohol.
Speaker 2:I don't think he has the money to do so because of how his current state is. He's not very powerful yet, so he doesn't have a lot of extra coin to buy and bring it with him, so he spends his coin on a room and then drinks himself to that, drinks himself into oblivion. That's how I'm thinking about the storyline right now.
Speaker 1:I don't know, I think he's just, I think he's just. Do you remember? Do you watch? I'm sure you have watched the Princess Bride, of course. So you remember Inigo Mondoya after, like he's just, he's just wasted.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, andres keeps dumping him in there, exactly.
Speaker 1:That's. That's what I feel like his party's going to have to do with him when they leave town, absolutely Like just dunk him in some cold water, wake him up and Well, she's going to have to.
Speaker 2:I can't think of remembering that the Rocknum yes, the Rocknum will have to do that. So Fendelver starts that. They leave never winter, I think it was and they leave as a as guards on this, this wagon she's. He's got the expertise in the land in the way that I can drive the wagon. Meanwhile he's passed out in the back actually, and she's trying to figure out how to run the stupid thing.
Speaker 1:So much, so much to do with that. Did I, did. I have that already.
Speaker 2:I don't think you did at it.
Speaker 1:You have to click on it, yeah.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, you're the. I wanted to see it here there oh okay, so I got bonds.
Speaker 1:I haven't I haven't done flaws yet.
Speaker 2:Okay, wasn't there one that we were supposed to pick two for.
Speaker 1:I said it was four.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was four.
Speaker 1:First one.
Speaker 2:Oh, we did get two, okay.
Speaker 1:Yeah, all right. First and now in the traits were were two.
Speaker 2:So scroll back down. We are now on alignment Alignment I think this has to be chaotic, no matter what, because of what's happened to him, Okay, and I think we can probably even delve into the concept of evil if we want to, because he's probably very resentful of the his circumstances but he's a folk hero. Doesn't matter, he's a folk hero.
Speaker 1:He's got to be good, he doesn't, I would. I would say I would say neutral, good.
Speaker 2:What about lawful? Think about it. He in the storyline that I'm cooking up in my head. He would did something wrong and he fessed up to it. I'm going to come forward and the old one punished him, not the rest of the village. So what if he was lawful, neutral, or lawful good, and that way he has this innate need to do everything absolutely correct, which puts him into trouble because he's doing everything correctly and by the book and he can't get away from that, even when it puts him in peril and but gives him problems.
Speaker 1:Sure, that works for me. So what do you want to lawful good or lawful neutral?
Speaker 2:I see lawful neutral. Lawful neutral.
Speaker 1:So lawful, neutral individuals act in accordance with the law, tradition or personal codes. Many monks and some wizards are lawful, neutral, right, perfect Nice. We're not going to worry about faith because it's not.
Speaker 2:It's basically the great old one, but that's not even really a faith.
Speaker 1:It's a path. Yeah, lifestyle poor or modest, modest again is probably appropriate.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he probably makes himself a little coin, gets into a comfortable room then drinks himself.
Speaker 1:Right, Okay so modest, Yada yada, yada, physical. Now we got to go. We got to go. The physical characteristics again.
Speaker 2:All right. What is your imagination of this man who is a chef in a small town someplace, small village someplace? What kind of hair do you think he's got?
Speaker 1:Black hair. Go Well, I would say I'd say longer black hair. Yeah, pulled back in a man bun, go for it. Let's type all this out.
Speaker 2:And a man.
Speaker 1:Skin.
Speaker 2:Well, he, I kind of ran this for the, for the rock norm, so I'm kind of leaving this on your side. Okay, so I was, I would say, probably See that's the thing, right, Like do you want to go? And like, well, okay, he's got dark skin. Do you want to go?
Speaker 1:I'm not, I'm not so much worried about the, the color of the skin, but I'm, I'm, I'm thinking it's very um, what's the word I want to say? Because he's not very strong, so there there's not a lot of muscle mass to to him, so it's kind of like that fragile easily skin, easily cracks against the.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like, like, that's like, I'm trying to figure out how to how to describe it for a week for now, just quite a little week's skin for the time being, yeah.
Speaker 1:Call that week Eyes. I want to say I would. I would have said I would have said bright, blue. But we did that for the, we did it for the gnome. Like I don't Okay, We'll say bright.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean, you can pick any color. Really, I mean, you can, oh, green green works. I wonder what color the great and the the great old one would be represented by. Maybe his eyes changed color when the power was bestowed upon him, I don't know.
Speaker 1:Black eyes With white pupils. Yeah, no, let's just let's just let's just take a bright green Um average human male heights.
Speaker 2:what five, eight to six, four?
Speaker 1:So let's say let's say between five, five, five and a half feet and six and a half feet, and we'll roll the D12.
Speaker 2:Actually, what I'm thinking is why don't we make it the five and a half feet? Because he's probably weaker and and and less of a stature, because he's had this power taken out of him. Well, we rolled for the last one, so started off at five feet. Then why?
Speaker 1:five feet Because sort of max, he can be six feet. Yeah, because, because because he could be tall and he could be very tall and he lacks his strength. But that would be, that would be a more interesting character. I think If he were this tall should be an imposing figure, but he's. He's frail and weak, gotcha. And imagine some guy like six foot six foot five, that's just wasted away. Just just, you think that he's, he's nothing. But then he like. Then he's like throwing these spells out at you and it's like well, wait a second. All of a sudden, here comes an eldritch blast Right, exactly, all right. So I'm going to say between five and a half and six and a half D12. Roll the D12. Oh 10. Oh wow.
Speaker 2:So six three, uh, six four.
Speaker 1:Was that be six four?
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, because 12 inches on top of five, six is going to be six, six. So take two inches off of that would be six, four yeah. Six four frail human being. I love it. Can we give him a cane? Um, when we get to the other stuff, just as something he kind of leaves on for his train.
Speaker 1:How about a limp Maybe? Maybe he's got when he has, like a peg leg.
Speaker 2:Let's go a little far.
Speaker 1:Oh, you know, you know, you know what, you know who this reminds me of. Did you see um? What was it?
Speaker 2:Is it unbreakable? No, I did not, but that's. I saw pieces of Mr Glass, Mr Glass.
Speaker 1:Like I feel like that would be like a great what if he has um a walk with with tennis balls on the bottom of it?
Speaker 2:I see your, I see your hand motion. Is this the guy?
Speaker 1:from up now, like is that the warlock from up? That'd be amazing. Not the crutches, but like those, those like the ones that have like a brace on their arm, crutches yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. So he's kind of like moving around on those things because he's lost all of his physical strength. I mean, come on, the guy's got a strength of five. I don't know. I like the cane idea. I'm good with either of them. I'm thinking these things and then he could turn one of them into his weapon.
Speaker 1:Somehow like the cane, could be his weapon Like it could be a staff. Yeah, it could be, a staff.
Speaker 2:That's even better. Okay, so he's carrying a staff to walk, but he can get like little surges of strength that he can swing it and club somebody with it.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay, we'll go with that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so he's carrying a staff.
Speaker 2:Okay, so at six foot four we can dumb down his weight to say what 175. So he looks, or one, maybe 180. So he looks really, really thin, because six foot six foot person is supposed to be like 200 and something pounds. So if we dumb them down to under 200 pounds he's going to look frail and not strong I would.
Speaker 1:I would say probably thinner, I would say down like 150, 140. All right, I'm good with 150. 150. Okay 150.
Speaker 2:149. Just to be different. Just to be different. So it's not a nice round number.
Speaker 1:That's right.
Speaker 2:So he did something stupid and is, as his quote, unquote, youth. Then the punishment came and then he finally came up, so 20 to 20. Well, how about this? 18 to 24, roll a D6. Okay Well, 17 to 17, and then add to that yeah, three 20.
Speaker 1:20. Perfect, he is 20.
Speaker 2:And we said male.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's his gender, I like that Fascinating and we're not going to worry about, we're not going to worry about the notes about organizations and allies, he's not going to really have much yeah. Yeah, we'll add the backstory in. So we got okay. So we got all the details. Yep About this. Now we're on equipment. We're going to go with the simple weapon, right Cause we're going to make the argument that he's not going to be strong enough to use it across both.
Speaker 2:So the quarter staff, right. Do we have a quarter staff? All right. The only other real option would be the club, and I don't know. I think the quarter staff is.
Speaker 1:So here's here Hurricane focus.
Speaker 2:So here's the thing, right, well, this could be the staff then yeah.
Speaker 1:So we're, going to go with the simple weapon Right.
Speaker 2:So here's the thing right.
Speaker 1:Well, this could be the staff then.
Speaker 2:That'll work too. So the thing is, you can also give him the components pouch, where he has to constantly buy his components versus spending his money on the drink I like. So I when, when we were playing that game with Chris, I had the component pouch and I had to, like, constantly buy components or spells. But yeah, yeah, we can do the arcane focus of his staff. Yeah, I think so. We can. We can, we can make it that after he lost his strength, the great one gave him his staff with ordinary carvings on it and that's what his focus they like that, like that Awesome. I think we got to go scholars pack because this guy wasn't an adventurer beforehand, right, and he probably did some studying after he lost his physical strength. Okay, all right.
Speaker 1:So in the scholars pack is a bag, includes a backpack, a book of war, a bottle of ink and ink pen, 10 sheets of parchment, a little bag of sand and a small knife.
Speaker 2:I think that works out because he probably went and looked up the great old one when he got out of his town into a bigger city.
Speaker 1:All right. So what do we got Leather armor, any simple weapon and two daggers. So what's? What would be an additional? We already like. We already have, like the quarter staff, A sling.
Speaker 2:Cause. I mean, a sling is something you can kind of get some power and range out of while not being a very strong individual, because it's all about momentum.
Speaker 1:What about? What about cause? You wanted this for the other one. What about darts?
Speaker 2:Popped. I'm down for that too. I saw the darts. I was thinking about it, but then I saw the sling, so I'm good with that.
Speaker 1:Okay, let's go. Darts, darts, fulk, heroes, starting equipment, a set of artisans tools. We already, we already did. What did we do? Oh, we did the cooks cooks utensils. Already, didn't we?
Speaker 2:Oh, I guess we got something separate as part of the folk hero. Oh, did we get the, the, the? Yeah, no, we got. We got the cooking stuff from from being a warlock.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:So, so as the four folk hero.
Speaker 1:Do you want, do you want, him to have the brewery supplies so he can make his own ale, since he, since he, loves the, the hard drink.
Speaker 2:That's a possibility.
Speaker 1:I'm looking at, I'm looking at the calligrapher. Say that one more time.
Speaker 2:No, because I screwed it up.
Speaker 1:The calligrapher, calligrapher there you go Nailed it the calligrapher. Well, he's got the book with the ink and everything. So, as a scholar, maybe he uses. What about the cartographer's tools?
Speaker 2:Because I was thinking that too. Maybe he's mapping things out.
Speaker 1:Maybe, let's go cartographer. Okay, let's do that. Cartographer's tools Fantastic.
Speaker 2:He's got an iron pot Yep, a set of common clothes, 10 gold pieces.
Speaker 1:Yes, all right, so we're going to add all that starting equipment.
Speaker 2:So the 10 gold pieces is basically all he could scrape together after he left his town.
Speaker 1:Yes, oh, my God, we got so much stuff.
Speaker 2:Got a couple of daggers yeah. And scroll down. I think that's it.
Speaker 1:I want to. I want to make sure he's wearing the leather armor Right, Yep. So I'm going to add that.
Speaker 2:And then I'm going to have him wielding. The staff.
Speaker 1:Well, I want to use the arcane focus one. Right, that's a good point. The staff for arcane focus, okay.
Speaker 2:And that's it, guys. We've reached another character end.
Speaker 1:I think we have. Yeah, my goodness. So let's take a look at. We're going to view the character sheet in D&D Beyond. So so a couple of things. So let's, let's go over the ability score. So strength, strength is a minus three for the modifier because the strength score right now is a five.
Speaker 2:So he's really not going to. He's really not going to be able to hit anything if he tries to swing with his gorgeous staff.
Speaker 1:Right, absolutely. Um, so it wasn't four. We rolled a four, we got the plus one, so that's five. Dexterity is a plus one modifier. We rolled an 11 plus one for 12. Constitution again plus one. Um, intelligence was a 10. We rolled nine, so the plus one got it to to 10, which is completely average here. Um wisdom, 14. Cause it was a, it was a 13. So the plus one got it to 14. So that's a plus two, and charisma is a 15 plus 14 plus one.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Our lovely armor class of 12.
Speaker 2:It's guys very, very easy to hit but then again, most magic uses are a little squishy.
Speaker 1:Yes, so that's that's why. That's why range spells are really good for for this one. So so this will be nice. So, Eldritch, Eldritch blast is a plus four to hit, so that'll be good.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:And that'll be the one D 10. An unarmed strike minus one. If you do negative, one damage and I hit with the staff is a minus one. So you do, you do zero damage. This is great. Oh, it's a negative one to hit. It's a negative one to hit, but you do zero, zero, bludgeoning damage with an hand.
Speaker 2:With a hand.
Speaker 1:It's just kind of like smacking you. It's like, ah, that did nothing.
Speaker 2:At least it's a D eight plus three on the, on the, on the hit that on the, the staff Well if you do a two handed, it's a one, it's a one D six.
Speaker 1:Is that one D six minus three?
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, it's one D six minus three. You really, you're really going to be sitting back and throwing that out. Well, I mean, come on, that's kind of what we were thinking about here too, right? Yes, we were looking at this and saying he's a spellcaster, he, because of the way he rolled, he rolled weak. Well, we gave him Eldridge Blast, which is arguably the best possible spell he can have for somebody of his. He's going to be like spamming that Elbridge Blast button. Oh my goodness.
Speaker 1:So I just, I just just just to try it. So I rolled a D six for the damage for the staff. I rolled a one with the minus three. So he did negative two damage.
Speaker 2:Which would you only round out to zero. So it's not like he's going to add health, but it's kind of be like yeah. Like tapping them with it tapping them with the stick.
Speaker 1:Oh, I'm sorry, Did you? Did you hit me? So this is going to be very interesting.
Speaker 2:He is not going to be fun.
Speaker 1:Not a strong, strong guy.
Speaker 2:He's got dissonant whispers though.
Speaker 1:Right, yeah, so let's look at the spells, the dissonant whispers. That could be interesting. You see this like but see but see, he only has one spell slot at this point, so he can only cast One spell one spell at this point, yeah. Now I want to see, Because we had the question about is it a short rest or or a long rest. I want to see.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there, it is Short rest. Recover one pack magic slot. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So you get it back.
Speaker 2:So short rest is literally just an hour. So after a combat what he's got to do is kind of like rest up for an hour. If he's out in the world, right. If he's in a in a dungeon, yeah. He's saving that for whatever boss he might come across. Yeah. Or like I have to.
Speaker 1:That's a good thing to know that you only need a short rest to get those.
Speaker 2:Yeah, especially on this level with that, that type of thing, and that's why I was thinking it was created that way is because you only got a couple of spell slots Right.
Speaker 1:All right, interesting. So this is. This has been a lot of fun. So we've got Iquium or raveous, the human, regular human warlock.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 1:I'm just.
Speaker 2:I'm waiting for it.
Speaker 1:What? No, that is a reference to what we do in the shadows, when I haven't seen that when when Laszlo goes undercover as Jackie Daytona regular human bartender Cause he's a vampire. So he's a regular human, regular human vampire. So I'm calling Iquium or raveous the regular human warlock. Yep, I like it. That's what he is. Actually. We've got some. We've got some really great skills. We've got a plus four to survival, which is good. We've got a plus four to animal handling, plus two to Arcana. I mean minus three to athletics. I mean he's got he's. He's going to have some some serious issues doing any strength related skills.
Speaker 2:Well, with the monkey's going to have to depend upon the monk doing any, kind of physical stuff, while he kind of and, and it'll be interesting cause I think I think the monk has a lower intelligence of memory, so I know lower charisma, so they'll kind of counteract each other a little bit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Cause the the monk is the one that says things that get it Shouldn't be said.
Speaker 2:Get her in trouble so so this will be.
Speaker 1:This will be interesting to see these two co-op.
Speaker 2:Co-op, co-op yes.
Speaker 1:So so what's going to happen is my wife, Catherine, is going to DM Joe and I.
Speaker 2:Thank you.
Speaker 1:Catherine, yes, thank you. Um, she's going to DM Fandelver and below the, the shattered obelisk.
Speaker 2:Oh, you're going to. We're going to do that one, Okay.
Speaker 1:Well, it, it, it really is. It's the same. It's the the initial minds of Fandelver, just kind of reimagined a little bit cool but it's basically the same same adventure. So so she's going to DM us as a, as a party. Um, do we do? We want to have a third person, cause it's just so. Joe and I have talked about possibly creating a another first level character of a hybrid spellcaster, melee weapon, kind of.
Speaker 2:Which would be more like a cleric or a paladin, arguably possibly a um Druid Well Druid, I would think a little bit more on the, the magical side. Actually, I was thinking the uh, the ranger, but uh anyway. But yeah, I'm thinking that at some point maybe we should create a third character. Whether or not we get a third person to play, we can discuss that. But this way, if things are starting to look really crappy, catherine can just bring them in to kind of save the day and then send them off on his way so that we don't die Right.
Speaker 1:Well, I mean because I mean to have a party of two would be a little difficult.
Speaker 2:It is a little difficult to run through that adventure with just a party of two. Yeah, so anyway, that is. Uh, iquium a various yes Aravius.
Speaker 1:Aravius, get it right, I'm sorry.
Speaker 2:It's. I just met him. I know, uh, iquium Aravius, and uh, so, like we were saying, we'll come back in two weeks with the creation of probably a cleric or a paladin or some other hybrid melee magical character. Yes, and then we're going to jump in to how is this said now?
Speaker 1:The minds of Fendover is called Fandover and below Fandover and below the shattered obelisk and over and below the shattered obelisk. Yes, so we will, we will start that adventure and we will. It won't even just be a one shot, we'll probably we at least two sessions it might. It might be it might become a once a month thing that we just kind of gameplay these characters and watch them develop. Cause, then we could think cause, then we can talk about things like leveling up a character and and and other topics like that.
Speaker 2:So as so we can, we can kind of expand that way, we can not stop doing gameplay, but then we can take notes during gameplay and, like the first session, afterwards, talk about how things transpired in the gameplay that we wanted to bring out into conversation for the newer players.
Speaker 1:Absolutely Perfect, excellent. So thank you everyone for joining us today for character creation Number two, our spellcaster. I'm very excited, so we will. We'll be back at some point with with character three and then we will start gameplay and go through that. So we'll do that probably on a monthly basis and again in between we'll talk about the adventure, kind of kind of debrief, and talk about it as far as that's concerned, and we'll hopefully be doing some more interviews and things like that. I'll definitely have a lot to talk about with packs unplugged, absolutely.
Speaker 2:That'll be at least an episode of, not more in its own.
Speaker 1:I am, I am stoked, but stay tuned for all sorts of good things coming from from from the podcast. Again, please, we would, we would love. If you support us, you can go on to legends, loot and warsupercastcom. Help support the podcast, help us create these episodes. You know you can find us on social media. We're on Instagram threads, Facebook, the Tiki talk, Facebook.
Speaker 2:I love it on Facebook yeah you do, cause that's all that's.
Speaker 1:that's that's my world. I let you handle the rest of it.
Speaker 2:I should probably let you handle Facebook too, because you're probably better at it than I am.
Speaker 1:No, no, I, I, I, you, you go nuts on Facebook and and if you really want, you can, you can find us if you we've. I've got new stickers for the podcast with our, with our kind of updated logo. I haven't even given you any of these jobs, so here have some. Have a bunch of those, the yellow ones, and feel feel free to DM me on on Instagram and I will send you stickers for for the podcast. Which one do you like better, the yellow or the blue? I was taking a poll.
Speaker 2:I think I like the yellow better, but it might just be cause I'm used to the yellow and as the way we've always started it. Yeah, I do like the blue, but you know what? I think the blue fire in the background, kind of like the blue and yellow here, creates the offset. Here it's not really as offset.
Speaker 1:Right. Like the orange and the blue are common color. So that goes well, and I think the I think the name stands out better in the white, but anyway, no, you're definitely right about that. So freeze stickers please ask us for free stickers. We will mail them out to you, happy to do so. Anyway, again, thank you so much for listening we we look forward to the next episode on our next character creation. Have a great day, y'all. Come back now.